The bike turned out gorgeous, but even though it's been finished for 2 years it hasn't had more than 1k put on the clock since, because persistent engine and fuel problems just kept robbing out of us the will, motivation and drive to continue bothering with it.
At this point we're both very much regretting ever having heard of it, much less having thrown over 7k into this damn thing. Not to mention all the problems we had just on the way to pick it up (crossing 3 other countries), crowning it with both almost losing our lives on the way back. On hindsight, there were plenty of signs sent down to us from high above, but we didn't listen.
Can't even sell it to get it off our hands, since they're not so popular here in EU.
Anyway, due to some problems with it (the PO abused it so much the cylinders were twisted and malformed, but had now-apparently never been completely fixed), I'm thinking of getting a new engine to hopefully solve the most pressing issues.
There's a grinding noise coming from the lower end, left side (I think). The freaking thing insists on putting blue smoke from the left exhaust even though the engine was taken apart, new piston rings put in (and the freaking things were expensive), everything checked and then put together again (any idea why it would continue to do that?).
The noise is detectable only up to 1600 RPM and if clutch is disengaged. The clutch basket was checked and re-centered, fixed, etc.; and new clutch springs and clutch plates put in. The noise is still there.
Hopefully will have a video of the noise to put up sometime this week.
The petcock seemingly works only on the PRI setting, if I put it on ON or RES, the fuel stops coming and it's a witch to start the bike up again, even if I put on PRI again. Have to run the bike with the PRI setting otherwise it won't even start. Already bought the petcock kit once, but didn't get the right seals in it. Am thinking of just ditching the OEM one and getting some universal, free-fall petcock instead and plugging that vacuum hose shut.
I'd still like to fix this with the least cost required, would be great if anyone had any idea what could be wrong.
Anyway, have been tentatively looking for a new engine for it, but eBay has been completely empty and I don't even know if there's a 1k, except for mine, here at all. Either that or a used engine, but in excellent condition.
Would also like to know whether it's true that 1100 and 1150 engines are simple bolt-ons with no modification required?