This is my 1st time doing a valve job on a vintage motorcycle. Here are my questions:
In the picture, I an sliding my .038 mm feelder gauge under the lobes. As the manuals don't show this, or don't show it well - am I doing this right?
I got the cam positioning down and here's what I came up with [KEY: NC= no clearance MS= Moveable with screwdriver (too tight to move by hand, so I stuck a small screwdriver in the divits to see if it would rotate)]
#1 Exhaust: .08 clearance *Good
#2 #3 & #4 Intake and exhaust: NC/MS
It appears that all except 1 are out of limits. Trouble is I don't know what size shims to get because they're ALL too tight and I can't take them all out. Any way I can do this without buying a special tool, maybe rent?
If so, how exactly do I find out what shim sizes I need without pulling them all out? ( a picture would really help )
I would imagine this would be a very very slow process in determining which shims I need ONE AT A TIME, removing, waiting for the right one to arrive, then doing the next 7 Times?!?!?!?
There's gotta be an easier way without breaking the bank? And also a way to find out the intel (what shims I need)?
Also, on a side note. When doing a compression test, I just need to starting system to turn the bike over right? I don't need the carbs on, just double checking?
Thanks in advance.