I have a yamaha warrior quad with a 1979 GS1000 engine in it. This is a quad that I traded for about a year ago. When I got it I immediately noticed that the starter turned the engine over slowly. I thought "it must be a battery or connection issue". It always started and runs well so I really never got around to diagnosing it.
Well, yesterday I brought it out of the shop for the first time in almost a year and did some cleanup on it (wiring, carb cleaning etc...), and I remembered the slow turnover issue. So I checked all connections and wiring and all is good. This quad uses a full size car battery (800 CCA and brand new) so it has MORE than enough juice to really wing the starter if everything is good. Even with a full 100% charge the starter still turns the motor over slowly. So I removed the starter from another GS1000 (known good) and swapped it in and ... same thing
So what I was wondering is:
Is there any way that the timing could be advanced enough to cause a slow cranking issue??? If not, what else could it be? Not sure where to start here as all wiring is good, starter is good, battery is good... you get the idea. Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated!