I have a few problems with my 1979 GS850G bike.
Despite that she's an aging woman, my bike is in a general good condition, but this morning I had some troubles.
It started out with problems starting the bike by using the electrical starter. I dried out the battery while trying this and eventually went for the kickstarter. At this time I'd already pulled up the choker and this usually does the trick.
But something was different this time: I couldn't get it to start and while kicking the kickstarter like a madman I suddenly heard two rather large *bangs* sounding like a small explosion similar to tailpipe shot. The second *bang* came about 3 seconds after the first one.
After this I couldn't even get the bike to even remotely indicate a near-ingnition and at this point I gave up and went to work.
When I came home I tried once more to start it and after some efford with the choker and kickstarter the bike finally started. I let it run for a few minutes while inspecting the engine, and here I accidently noticed that one of the exhaust pipes weren't as hot as the other three. Quite cool actually but the pipe next to the cold one were really hot and a bit hotter than the other two..
(I hope this makes any sense)

I know this is a kinda vauge description, but has anyone any advice on how to adress this problem, or even a suggestion of what could be wrong?
I haven't inspected the sparkplugs, but I think that that may be a good place to start, to see it the plug is shortwired or damaged.
Hope that anyone can help me out a bit.
