I fired it up yesterday and the bike ran perfectly fine, but smokes out of the tail pipes, I figured that I would let it brake in so I put on about 10miles on the bike riding it semi agresively to seat the rings. But it still smokes out of the tail pipe like crazy, mainly when you give it a quick rev from idel, wheni it idles the bike barely smokes any oil but as soon as I give it a quick rev it burst out a ton of smoke.
So today I pulled out all the spark plugs and found out that number 3 cylinder spark plug was caked with oil. So I decided to change all of the valve seals on that cylinder; it auctualy was very easy to do because I presurized the cylinder with air and was able to change the valve seals with out taking the cylinder head, it was my first time doing this and it worked great. But the problem is when I started the bike up again it was still smoking like crazy. So I took it for a 5mile run and when I got back I pulled out the spark plugs again and the number 3 cylinder spark plug was coverd with oil again so it is still leaking from somewhere.
So my question is what can I do next to get rid of the smoke??? and oil the cylinders... I did a compression test and number 1,2 and 4 cylinders are 160psi, but for some reason the number 3 cylinder is 175psi, I suspect its a bit higher becaus it has oil in the cylinder so it seals better but I assume that the cylinder copression would be even if there was no oil in the cylinder. But anyways that is my story of the bike, please let me know if anyone has solution to this problem>>>>>>
