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Oil pressure gauge.

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    Oil pressure gauge.

    In an effort to be certain I have oil pressure in the 550 after finding theOP sender to be duff, I picked up some bits and bobs to mount a gauge. My local Princess Auto ( like Harbour Freight) used to carry automotive type gauges but they have gone out of them it appears. They do have an extensive selection of hydraulic fitting and such, however, and I was able to score a 2", 100psi type gauge and tubing to mount.

    Unfortunately, there is not enough clearance to mount the thing right to the block so I'd have to screw in a fitting and run the 1/8" tube from it to the gauge which will be mounted remotely somewhere in the "cockpit".

    The question I have is will it give me an accurate reading or will it even work if I have 2 to 3 feet of tube in the setup? I'm guessing since it is a high pressure system it will but I was wondering if anyone can confirm it for me.

    On a side note for the Canadian guys, despite the OP light working in conjunction with the side stand light being considered a safety device, it is not required for certification in Ontario at least ( according to my pro wrench).

    At $15 for a gauge and plumbing versus $35 +tax for a replacement OEM sender, I'm thinking a gauge is a better deal, as long as it works of course.

    I'll let you know how it turns out.

    Cheers all,

    These bikes only run around 1-3psi at idle.
    You'll be lucky if you even see that 100psi gauge move!

    Can't you just order bruces kit from eBay????
    You really need a 15psi gauge.


      An '83 550 should be plain bearing 4 valve?


        According to the manual, I should be seeing between 36 and 78 psi at 3000. My test has not worked as I'm not seeing any pressure at all using the gauge setup on a length of about 10" of tube (1/8"). So now I have to wonder if I indeed have any oil pressure.

        Something is definitely weird. There is definitely oil there but its not moving with any flow as nothing makes it in to the tube to the gauge.

        From everything I've read, I should be able to read at least some pressure.

        This is now becoming very frustrating since I can't even get a reading. I'm not sure what to do next. Putting in a new sender may fix things with the lights but until I know I'm always going to be wondering about the oil pressure.

        Man this bites.




          Check out Performance Improvements
          891 Upper James Street

          They might have a gauge that might that can measure the lower psi



            If this is a plain bearing crank (like my 650 shafty) it has a high pressure/low volume oil pump- 30 to 50 psi. If your oil sender is accessible (my diagram says it is), take it out. disconnect all spark plug leads, then crank it briefly- oil should start flowing out .sender port as you crank.
            1981 gs650L

            "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


              Oil does come out the hole for the sender without even cranking it over. When I took the gauge off oil was seeping out so I was afraid to crank it for fear of shooting it everywhere. I guess then that would be a sign that there is oil pressure.

              I have ordered a new sender and should get it tomorrow I was told so I will put that in to see if that corrects the lights. As far as the pressure I would still like to see something register on a gauge so I'm now hunting around for a proper tool. I have another mechanic friend that I believe has one so that's my next call.

              In a brief conversation with my pro wrench this afternoon he said that it is almost unheard of for these enginges to lose oil pressure so not to get too worked up about it. I'm trying not to but I won't be happy until I can see some pressure registering.

              I'd like to get this sorted so I can get it in for the cert this week.

              Thanks for all the input folks.



                I picked up a sender unit from Carquest. It has the same specs as the OEM version and tiggers at around 2 or 3 psi. I tested the function using compressed air to trigger and it works. I install it in the bike and it doesn't trigger.

                When I pull the sender and start the engine the oil does flow out of the hole but it is not a violent spurt as I would expect more of a controlled "puke". So from that I believe I have oil pressure but nothing like the high pressure the manual refers to.

                I don't understand how I can't get the oil pressure gauge to show me any readings at all and that does have me worried.

                Now if I do have low pressure am I to assume I have issues solely with the oil pump or can I assume a partial blockage some where? The engine only has around 21000 km.. What should be my next course of action? I haven't run in to anything like this with bikes yet so I'm unsure what to do. Obviously no riding until I get it figured.

                Any input would be greatly appreciated.



                  Looking at diagrams, maybe your sender isn't exposed to full pressure. My 650 sender is mounted just about on top of oil pump, while yours is far away on top of crankcase. Also there's a " regulator" mentioned in oil pump area- might be just a bypass, but who knows. I wouldn't expect the oil cooler to be exposed to 40 psi- it just needs flow thru.
                  Are you sure there's no other electrical switch in parallel with the oil sender holding light on ? kickstand switch?
                  1981 gs650L

                  "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


                    My 650 had OP issues when I got it. I never fixed the problem either. No OP at start up, goose the throttle and something would break free somewhere and it would be fine. I changed the engine oil regulator, inspected oil pump etc and nothing helped. If I remember right there was another regulator between top and bottom ends that I think was the culprit. Never got the nerve to tear it apart to find out for sure.

                    I do have one of those fancy OP monitors that another member sold, but the place where it was supposed to go had been sealed by a previous owner. (which should have been a clue that there were some issues).



                      Originally posted by spyug View Post

                      Now if I do have low pressure am I to assume I have issues solely with the oil pump or can I assume a partial blockage some where?
                      Could be either, or could be a leak, such as a chunk of gasket missing, o ring failed, anything that lets the pressure get away. Not sure on your engine where this could be without creating an external leak, but there may be a place near the pump or the passages up to the head...

                      Life is too short to ride an L.


                        Well the latest discussion I've had with my pro wrench is that its most likely a plugged oil pump intake screen. Its apparentley more common in GSX-Rs but he's seen it in these too.

                        So I guess my next move is pulling the pan and having a look see at what I'm up against. I've never done it before but I'm hoping I can do it with the engine in the bike. I assume I need to pull the pipes and I should be able to gain access then. Are there any tips or tricks to make it easier?

                        Another busy few days ahead of me I suppose.

                        Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.


