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some new fun! valve cover leak

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    some new fun! valve cover leak

    somehow, for what ever reason, I was on my way to training for work [close to about 40 miles each way] and when I got off the freeway I noticed some smoke and burning oil smell. I figure(read; hope) it was coming from the drain plug that is stipped so bad I am afraid to touch unless I have a new one on hand, but I got off and burnt oil is stained all over my nicely polished headers and cleaned up engine. right from the front section of the valve cover right over the chain. what can cause this?

    valve cover bolts loose, or maybe the tacho drive seals blown. wipe it all off as best you can and let it idle, see if you can see where the oil is coming from
    1978 GS1085.

    Just remember, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion!


      oh, no... its definately the valve cover gasket. looks to be in the same spot as the last time it happened. I am still trying to find the picture I took of it from last time. I am waiting for the new gasket to come in before tearing anything apart. ordered it last week.


        turns out I forgot my password for photobucket... lol


          Is that a pic of how it was when you took the valve cover off? I am not sure how that could happen after installation. Thinking the gasket would have to be damaged beforehand with a break like that.

          Was the gasket used OEM or aftermarket?


            That is where my aftermarket gaskets would break. Installed an OEM gasket, no more problems.


              Yes, get a suzuki gasket. Note that you have the earlier gasket on your bike- later models have an extra bolt hole in cam tunnel area. Best to disconect tach drive cable so drive gear doesn't bind as you lightly tighten cam cover bolts down.
              1981 gs650L

              "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


                Originally posted by JCSkokos View Post
                oh, no... its definately the valve cover gasket. looks to be in the same spot as the last time it happened. I am still trying to find the picture I took of it from last time. I am waiting for the new gasket to come in before tearing anything apart. ordered it last week.
                You ordered two gaskets, right?



                  yes, ordered oem gasket... but due to financial restraints I only got 1


                    replaced this weekend. it wasnt torn like this, but was stretched in the same spots. most likely from over tightening last time

