The other day after riding for 20 miles or so the oil light flickered then stayed on steady. I shut it off and checked the oil, which was full and just changed 50 miles ago. After starting it up and hearing no noises I decided to limp it home, about 5 miles. No problems. The light goes off when the wire is pulled off the sending unit, so I believed there was actually a problem with flow. The bike sat for 9 years and I hadn't checked the sump strainer, so I decided to do it now and fix a leaky pan gasket and drain plug too. The old girl has gone 1000 miles so far since exhumation.
What confuses me is the oil passage that has an o-ring at the bottom that appears to seal against the pan gasket. In the pictures you can see the part of the gasket that covers the hole on the pan, and in turn appears to seal off the passage above the o-ring. The gasket is bowed toward the pan and has a tear in it at this spot. Could this have been the problem? I don't understand how the oil flow works yet. In the flow diagram that I saved while searching, it looks like this passage could be overflow. What is the purpose of the o-ring in there? (Trying to upload pictures) Any advice is appreciated.
I intend to order a new Suzuki filter, pan gasket, a gauge from renobruce and this mystery o-ring and see what happens. If the low pressure gauge shows good then I'll pull the sending unit wire and deal with that later. Can someone please find this o-ring part # on the fiche? I looked everywhere. My best guess is #26 under crankcase, but says 2 are required.