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83 gs1100L running bad

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    83 gs1100L running bad

    This is a lot I will try and stick to the problem I have with the bike now.If I was a m/c mechanic.I would have 3k or more into it.
    1,3 and 4 plugs are running hot they are white.Number 2 plug is oil covered.I have gone through $20 worth of gas in 60 miles.I have replaced the plugs twice,same results.Running ngk b8s.
    I will throw this in I did a big boo boo.I used some stabil ethanol treatment.I used to much.I put like 10 ml with 3 gallons of gas.After I did that it started smoking like crazy.I drained the gas.Put fresh plugs and gas in it.It has not cleared up the way the engine runs. Is it the ethanol treatment or is it something else?Thanks


    It sounds like you have a very lean air/fuel mixture and a bad petcock.

    What maintenance have you done to the bike? A complete and proper carb cleaning? Valve adjustment? Have you modified the air intake or exhaust? Does the bike have the airbox installed? Is it properly sealed? Have you replaced the intake boots and O-rings? CLICK HERE and read about the Top 10 Newbie Mistakes and see the required maintenance lists. You'll find "how to" guides on my little website. Keep us informed.

    Thank you for your indulgence,



      I purchased the bike non running.(it should have been givin to me)It came with a 4 into 1 header exhaust.I cleaned and purchased a new air filter(sealed the original airbox is on the bike.Cleaned the carbs,did not do a rebuild.Have not checked the valves,have not replaced the intake boots and o rings.
      Here's the thing.It ran fine when I initially purchased it.Cleaned the airfilter and sealed it.
      Then it blew a rear seal.I replaced the 2 bevel drives.Put it all back together.Put some stabil ethenol treatment in the tank.That is when the engine problems started.Is it coincidental that I used the ethenol treatment now I am having engine problems?Thank you


        A few places to start, take it One thing at a time.

        1.) check your floats
        (if they are set too low, you burn excess fuel, too high, you run lean. The overflows can also be leaking fuel while you ride or lean into turns, and you won't even know it, or smell it while riding, and it evaporates right away.)

        2.) remove any aftermarket fuel filters(they can cause lean conditions, and weird symptoms)

        3.)Check your spark
        (blue = good, if you get white, or a mixture, you might need to do the Coil Mod)


          It was the fuel petcock.I swapped it out with a spare.Thanks

