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Cracked Clutch Hub/Basket 1150-pics

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    Cracked Clutch Hub/Basket 1150-pics

    Found this today. Wondering if I can graft a new/used basket onto the HD backing plate primary gear? I have a local welder who's a go to guy for local flat track racers.

    Problem is I'm doing a track day on the 23rd of this month. I do have a few used baskets. Any thoughts? Thanks.

    Crack 6 oclock

    Inside crack 9 oclock
    GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES

    The basket his history as even if you coils weld it it would need machining to get. Ack to an acceptable form. Wonder if you can drill the rivets and salvage the he backing plate?


      Yes, that is what I was thinking. Thought I read somewhere that it's possible to do.
      GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES



        Have a look at this page.

        Clutch Basket Rebuild

        It might prove insightful.

        Thank you for your indulgence,



          Hey Bass,

          Thanks for the link, a good read and a Kat owner to boot.
          GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES


            Carter, I have an 1150 heavy duty basket already welded if you want it. $250 shipped to you. Ray.


              Hey Ray,

              I thought all the 1150 stuff was locked up and buried for future generations.

              How are the dents in the basket from the fibers? Any pics?
              GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES


                It's a good hub, Carter, one I would put in my own bike. And I am PICKY about what parts I put in my bikes. Ray.


                  Carter, I sent pics to your cell phone #. Did you get them? Ray.


                    Thanks Ray,

                    I got the pics on my new phone that I don't know how to use yet. Looks pretty good dent wise. Lots of heat on the welds, looks like the spare one I have. Even though it's welded, the basket is rocking a hair.

                    My starter clutch shot another pin almost out, and I found a few hard bits in the pan. One bit managed to gall one of the transmission gears, but I got a spare tranny freshened up at Pearson in the mail last week

                    Thanks for the suggestion Ray.
                    GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES


                      This one is a V&H Superhub. Let me know if you want it. Ray.


                        PM sent Carter. Ray.


                          PM sent Ray. Carter
                          GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES


                            Send it to us, we will but a billet basket on it for you.
                            Speed Merchant

