The tranny had been sitting in a box in the garage for 10 years which I purchased from a drag racer and was told was for an 1150.
Live and learn I guess, as I sent the spare one off before pulling mine apart, so I could keep riding till it arrived.
Track day coming up next Sunday and I might have to forfeit.
The output shaft (countershaft) that I didn't take a picture of, fits the C-ring grooves, but the input shaft is too short. Notice the splines/threads on the end of the shaft.
Also their is no wave washer near the bearing (2nd pic) and the two bearings will not align in the C-ring grooves. (off by a couple of mm.)
The oily one has the wave washers installed (top left bearing) making it appear longer.
Also the C-ring groove securing the larger bearing behind the clutch basket has cracked off the upper case. I still have the piece, but it's very thin.
I think my only option at this point is to pull the motor out of my wife's bike and run it at the track until I figure out what to do with mine.
If anyone recognizes what bike the shaft on the right came from and what gear the tooth with damage is, I'd appreciate knowing. Thanks
