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blue/white smoke out of exhaust
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
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- Brooksville Fl.
Originally posted by Mista M View PostKomorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
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- Brooksville Fl.
So, do you have it running and test ridden yet?Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Unfortunately NO,,,,still waiting for the coils to arrive via mail....
I checked the mail box twice today and it sits we have a long weekend ahead of us, so probably nothing until Tuesday or Wednesday,,,,,,bummer....
But I will update this thread once the coils are here...
Thanks for asking...
Quick update.....
Coils arrived.....Thanks SVSooke, if it was not for the long weekend probably would have had them sooner, but who cares they arrived....
I could not get to the bike until tonight and I did not have a whole lot of time anyways even tonight...
But, I did get the coils cleaned up, and bolted in place, hooked up the wires, and stuck a plug into number 4 then 3 then 2 and finally lead number 1......and I have spark on all 4......WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO
A step in the right direction for sure......
Tomorrow I will hook up the IV bottle add some gas and see if she will start and run, if so I will hook up the carbtune and make sure the cars synced and make any other adjustments as needed.....
Hopefully by tomorrow evening the bike will be back on the road and I will be in the saddle once again riding.....
It's so sad to see my neighbour hop on his CBR and go for a ride, but I should be there with him tomorrow night.......
Wish me luck.....
Updates to follow......
Quick update....
Got the bike started, finally and it's holding idle, sounds good, still some smoke out of the exhaust, but all 4 pipes are getting hot....
Now if I take the lead off of number 1 the bike stalls.....yay......this is good I think...
I hooked up the carbtune gizmo to the bike I have 1 and 4 the same, 2 and 3 just a hair below 1/4 as per the book
I can rev it up to 5 grand with a twist of the wrist and she will back down and hit idle speed about 1500, I am finding if I go below that she stumbles and wants to die out...not really sure what to make of that....
so after a bit of tweaking the bike is getting hot, hitting 100 on the temp gauge so I am shutting it down and grabbing a beer while she cools down
not sure what to do about the pilot screws I believe they are set at 3 turns or 2.5 turns out...
Gatekeeper, don't you have a WGEO 02 sensor on tat bike? I thought I saw one in the video. If so, cant you use that to help tune the low end pilot jet settings? Hi number is lean and low is rich correct? I thought I saw in the vid that it was going all the way down to 11.? when you had a cylinder out. just an idea.
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
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- Brooksville Fl.
Originally posted by GateKeeper View PostQuick update....
Got the bike started, finally and it's holding idle, sounds good, still some smoke out of the exhaust, but all 4 pipes are getting hot....
Now if I take the lead off of number 1 the bike stalls.....yay......this is good I think...
I hooked up the carbtune gizmo to the bike I have 1 and 4 the same, 2 and 3 just a hair below 1/4 as per the book
I can rev it up to 5 grand with a twist of the wrist and she will back down and hit idle speed about 1500, I am finding if I go below that she stumbles and wants to die out...not really sure what to make of that....
so after a bit of tweaking the bike is getting hot, hitting 100 on the temp gauge so I am shutting it down and grabbing a beer while she cools down
not sure what to do about the pilot screws I believe they are set at 3 turns or 2.5 turns out...
.Last edited by earlfor; 07-05-2013, 08:56 PM.Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Originally posted by Starion007 View PostGatekeeper, don't you have a WGEO 02 sensor on tat bike? I thought I saw one in the video. If so, cant you use that to help tune the low end pilot jet settings? Hi number is lean and low is rich correct? I thought I saw in the vid that it was going all the way down to 11.? when you had a cylinder out. just an idea.
If that would hlep me getting this bike running nicely that would be great, but no such luck....
Originally posted by earlfor View PostMight try idle speed and add a little bit of choke and try reducing the idle setting. If it runs at 1000-1100 rpm with a touch of choke, my guess would be it is a bit lean on the idle circuit. If it dies out quicker, it was already too rich. Just a thought, is the air cleaner element clean? Did you remember to reinstall the plugs on the induction tubes when you removed the carb synch tool? hehe
I am sure there is still something not set right, but I am not a master mechanic and no matter what I do, the way it's now is probably the best I am able to get, maybe a more experienced person could do better, unfortunately this is not me....seems I am getting close but that is about it.
air cleaner is clean, it's brand new, and only about 500 or so Km on it, I will double check it, but it should be clean....
and yes the little screws to plug the holes have been put back in, even the little brass washers.....Thanks for the reminder...
I have to go for a test ride, but with the rain and wet roads it's best I wait until it dries up a bit, I see tomorrow it will be much better....
I am going out to the garage soon, going to see how she starts, it's been a few hours since the last time I had her running, I hope a bit of choke and a stab at the start button will make her start, I usually have to add a bit of throttle as well, lets see if anything has changed....
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
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- Brooksville Fl.
Originally posted by GateKeeper View PostI am going out to the garage soon, going to see how she starts, it's been a few hours since the last time I had her running,
I hope a bit of choke and a stab at the start button will make her start, I usually have to add a bit of throttle as well, lets see if anything has changed....
A matter of a couple of hundred rpm on the idle, I think you're VERY close. It has to be something minor out of whack. Maybe a couple of deg's too much advance on the timing, plug gaps slightly too wide, maybe a tiny induction leak someplace. Have you put a timing light on it? That will tell you if you're spot on with it idling.Last edited by earlfor; 07-05-2013, 09:11 PM.Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Every 83+ 750 I've known has had to have a throttle "blip" to start.I could grind a battery flat but my 85 will not start unless you add some throttle
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
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- Brooksville Fl.
Originally posted by SVSooke View PostEvery 83+ 750 I've known has had to have a throttle "blip" to start.I could grind a battery flat but my 85 will not start unless you add some throttleKomorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Originally posted by earlfor View PostThose carbs are set up as throttle priority. That means you can have choke, or you can have throttle, but never both at the same time. If you want choke to be active, you can not touch the throttle. As soon as you twist any throttle, the choke becomes inactive. If it needs choke to start, I would use only choke and then use additional choke as a throttle to initially get the rpm up, then switch to throttle control. Should start right up that way.
A matter of a couple of hundred rpm on the idle, I think you're VERY close. It has to be something minor out of whack. Maybe a couple of deg's too much advance on the timing, plug gaps slightly too wide, maybe a tiny induction leak someplace. Have you put a timing light on it? That will tell you if you're spot on with it idling.
I give her full choke, hit the button and a blip the throttle, she starts right up, once running I don't give her anymore throttle, only choke until warmed up then I take choke off and she will idle...
I have not checked the timing, like for ever, I don't have a timing light, maybe I can borrow one from my neighbour and check that as well
plugs are all new, and all checked all in spec
Originally posted by SVSooke View PostEvery 83+ 750 I've known has had to have a throttle "blip" to start.I could grind a battery flat but my 85 will not start unless you add some throttle
Originally posted by earlfor View PostI had a 83 1100 and a 85 1150. Both cold started on choke only and could be "throttled" initially with choke. If what you have been doing works for you, thats fine.
So I went for a short ride, firstly to start, choke full, hit the button and bit of throttle she started right up, I did try without throttle, no go....
ran on choke for about half minute, took it off and she was idling, nice....
went for a ride, well she seems to be working quite well, no stuttering on acceleration, a bit of popping decel, but I like that anyways, but I am sure it's not good.
she is smoking a crap load, but it's OK, it's the oil that spilled on the header and is soaked a bit in the wrap, I am sure over time she will burn that off and all will be well....
I am also finding she is not stalling out on me or trying to as I slow down and come to a stop, as she used to in the perhaps the coil was to blame all along......I am now no longer needing to keep on blipping the throttle to keep her running at a stop light,,,,,yay
I still have a clutch issue, I can be around 5-6 grand in the rpms twist the throttle and the bike no go, but the rpm's climb, so either new springs are needed or fibre plates, I don't ever remember changing either so it just might be time....
It was a good little run tonight I am glad she is running as well as she is, a bit of tweaking and maybe I get her running even better, but if not and it's how it is now, I will be happy....I have trust back in the old girl....
I did however notice one more thing, I have exhaust leaking out of the rivets that are on the Yosh can, the ones that hold the can to the pipe and the ones holding the metal decal....I wonder if I need to do anything about that, I do also see that the can moves back and forth about an 1/8th as you sit and rev the engine.....
I think I have a bike I can once again ride.....
Just to add.....
I still have some smoke coming out of the exhaust as well, but this could be because of the change in oil, who knows, next time I will go back to the Castrol I had before and see if it subsides.....maybe the Rotella is just too fine for this ole girl.....
.Last edited by Guest; 07-05-2013, 10:05 PM.
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
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- Brooksville Fl.
Originally posted by GateKeeper View PostI still have some smoke coming out of the exhaust as well, but this could be because of the change in oil, who knows, next time I will go back to the Castrol I had before and see if it subsides.....maybe the Rotella is just too fine for this ole girl.....
I wouldn't worry about a leaking rivet on the yosh can.
Cheers!Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.