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GS1000G Head Gasket Retorque

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    GS1000G Head Gasket Retorque

    Well the money pit is now up and running well; time to put the tank and fairing on and RIDE. I want to retorque the head gasket before installing the tank, the bike has been through 4 heat cycles. My question is retorque hot or cold? Thanks

    You will want to reset the valves and retorque the head with the engine "stone cold".


      I would guess cold, just because that's how it was torqued originally. If you used a fiber gasket with a metal core you will need to do it again, I did after about two hundred miles. My experience is the all metal ones saeem to need it only once after assembly.

      Ride on


        I suggest retorque at regular intervals until the torque fall-off stops. If you used OEM gaskets this should occur after a couple retorques. If you used Athena (green base gasket), good luck!

        To measure is to know.

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          Nope used OEM gaskets as suggested by everyone here. Thanks

