It looks like I have an oil leak inside the big rubber boot that covers the drive shaft where it attaches to the back of the engine gear case.
I looked at the Suzuki parts microfiche and it shows that there is an oil seal on the back of the engine where the drive shaft comes out of it. I guess that’s the leak source. I haven’t started disassembly yet to check it out, but I have some questions before I start:
Has anyone replaced that oil seal on their GS before?
If so, does the entire swing arm have to be removed to replace it? (It sure looks like it has to be removed!

When you remove the swing arm, do the guts of the drive shaft itself come out with the swing arm, or does all or part of the actual drive shaft assembly just hang there in mid-air still attached to the engine/gear case?
I guess what I’m asking is whether or not there is a split of some short in the middle of the drive shaft assembly that allows you to remove the swing arm easily without having to disconnect the drive shaft assembly from the back of the engine/gear case first.
And, once you get that all disassembled, can you install the oil seal without any engine or gear case disassembly?
And, on a hopeful note, IF I find no oil INSIDE of the rubber boot, where else could that oil be leaking from and getting all over the bottom of that boot and the back/bottom of the engine?
I sure would appreciate any advice from members who have replaced this oil seal before. It will help me to not make some bone head mistake!