I'm in the middle of the restoration of a GS650GL that was sitting in a garage since 1993.
I need to disassemble and rebuild the front forks, but I've never seen a fork cap like this before. No screw-on cap! What the heck? The cap is recessed and is supposed to have a snap ring holding it in.
Manual says to push in (down) on the recessed cap (which they call a spring stopper) and remove the snap ring.
Heck, I don't even see a snap ring on top of the cap/stopper that is holding it in place!
Here's picture of the top caps on the forks.

As you can see, they were a bit crusty so I have them soaking in PB Blaster right now trying to loosen up the crud to ease disassembly.
So, my question is:
Has anybody else removed this kind of recessed fork cap. If so, how best to do it. What did you use to push down on the cap with that also allows room to get at this supposed snap ring. Also, why don't I even see a snap ring on top of the cap holding it in place? Plus, just how hard to you have to push down to overcome the spring pressure and actually move the cap down a bit?
Any advice/experience would be appreciated. I need to get these things apart.