I rode my wife's 77 gs550 last night for 45 miles or so, and the "occasionally gets stuck in first gear" issue now seems to also happen in second to a lesser extent, and the shifting is hard regardless (especially in 1st&2nd) slow and sluggish I'd say, lots of foot pressure usually required, and it slams into gear once it starts to go. The other 550 engine shifted slightly better, but would get stuck in neutral and wouldnt go into first on occasion. Once I tear the bottom ends of these 2 GS750 engines down on my bench to build up one nice one, I should gain more familiarity with how the shifting mechanisms work, and maybe have more insight on the cause of the 550's problems. Where should I be looking for wear and tear? I plan to do the 550-673 swap on the 77 550 engine with the "gets stuck in neutral" issue, but I bet the same parts that cause that problem are worn in the 78 "stuck in first" engine.
Could these problems be caused by bent or worn shift forks? Bent shaft somewhere? I have read that the sides of the gears have notches or steps in them that have to do with shifting, and that they get worn over time.
What parts am I most likely to need to single out to find the cause of the problems?