Apparently, all three (stator-retaining?) bolts in the assembly have sheared!

Luckily, I was able to order three new ones no problem and I'm relatively confident that my buddy down the street can help me remove the stuck bolts from the stator with the help of a few PBRs.
That being said, I'm more worried about the assembly itself. Specifically, I'm seeing stress cracking around each of the roller pin orifices (orifi?) in the assembly. This picture in particular is the worst of the three (see below)...

I should also mention that on the other side of that hole I can feel a deformation on the outer rim of the assembly. Here is another photo of the assembly gear with visible deformations from the rollers slamming into place...

When I put all of it back together and reassemble over the gear, the rollers appear to function normally. They roll smoothly in one direction and lock in the other, but it's obviously catching under normal operation.

I spent most of the afternoon today at the dealers and they tried to order me another assembly. Unfortunately, this part is discontinued and none are in dealer stock. They did suggest having a machinist take a stab as repairing the surfaces, but otherwise recommended me to a salvage yard or trying my luck on ebay.
Then I rode down and spoke with another somewhat well-know vintage bike mechanic and he said more or less the same thing with regards to replacing. He even suggested purchasing another salvage engine.
So that's me at the moment. Should I reinstall the stator-retaining bolts, button it back up and call it a day? Try the machinist? Or what?
As always, any feedback/experience/guidance is much appreciated!
Oh and then there's also the scary point that one of the second mechanics I talked to brought up (because none of them had ever seen anything like it), "...I wonder if you hydro-locked the motor..." followed by "...what in the world could have caused this?..."