I finally finished my valve adjustment (after some problems sourcing shims), and was obviously very excited to see what a difference it made. Started the bike up, and immediately there was a pretty serious knock coming from the Cyl. 4 side. (i already had a JB weld patch on a small 1 1/2" crack in the valve cover over #4 intake that i assume was from previously being improperly torqued). Erring on the side of caution, i shut it down and did a little research, and came back with a few possibilities. I couldn't hear the knock while just cranking so i had to start it again, and heard the knock immediately. I poked around a little with my ear pressed up against a screwdriver, and while i was doing that, the knock stopped, the motor began to run much, much worse, and, of course, oil poured from where my previously JB Welded crack had continued across that leg of the valve cover, which is now in three pieces. So i removed the valve cover, and saw: A) Lack of shim, B) Split valve cover gasket, C) "Slice" in the cylinder head right under the valve cover gasket split, and finally, D) A mangled Cyl. 4 intake cam. Pictures to follow. It turned out that the shim wasn't actually missing, but had totally shattered into a whole bunch of tiny pieces, which gouged up the cam, shot through the head and valve cover gasket and cracked the valve cover the rest of the way, got stuck on-end in between the camshaft and the head (next to the bucket) and also left a nice little pock between the bucket and the wall of the head.
So now come the questions.
-What do you think could have caused this? I know it was not a seating issue as i made damn sure they were all seated properly. I want to be sure this doesn't happen again
-What could be salvaged? I'm thinking the head will be fine with a spot of TIG welding and grinding/sanding to fill that hole where it shot through (more JB Weld would be a bad idea, right?), new valve cover (obviously, already ordered because of the pre-existing crack), new gasket, and new shim (also obviously). What I'm a little more unsure about is the camshaft. It looks pretty nasty, and i'm pretty sure i already know the answer to that one.
As always, thanks in advance. You guys rock.
More photos to come. sorry i am seriously struggling with them.