I've done a bunch of research and I think I've got my list together. It's a time consuming and mind numbing process figuring out which bearings to buy. I'm going to show the process partly to show others how it's done, partly to get feedback from anyone who notices if I did something incorrectly, and partly to type it out as a tool to double-check my work.
I ordered a replacement crankshaft from another forum member. It looks to be in good condition. Though I am going to replace all the connecting rod bearings anyways, just in case. The connecting rods are all marked with the ID code "2". The corresponding crank pin OD codes are all marked "2" as well. I used the chart on page 3-41 of my service manual to determine that the correct bearings would be the brown bearings. part#12164-34210-030.
So I need to order 8 bearings for the four rods.
The crankcase journal IDs marked on the rear of the upper crankcase starting left to right are BBBBBB. The corresponding crankshaft journal ODs are BAAAAA. Using the chart on page 3-44 of the service manual I determined that I need
1 Brown bearing for the upper first journal. #12229-45410-030
1 Brown bearing for the lower first journal with an oil groove. #12229-45400-030
3 Black upper bearings #12229-45410-020
7 Black bearings with oil grooves mostly for the bottom, (two go on the upper 3 and 4th journal) #12229-45400-020
I measured the oil clearance for all rods and crankshaft journals which were all within spec at between .27-.50mm. Again, I'm going to order all new bearings anyways as I'd like to go another 50,000 without having to crack open this crankcase again.
And I measured the connecting rod big end thrust clearance for each rod which were also within spec at .1mm for each rod.
I'm going to order my parts through Partzilla unless anyone has a better option. Also, is there a promo code I can put into Partzilla for a deal on orders? I thought I remembered someone posting a promo code on the forum before. I can't remember if it was for Partzilla or not, though.
Here's a pic showing the rod ID codes.
Here are the bearing selection tables.
Here are my notes. Yikes. This is a lot of information.
Measuring the oil clearance of the crankshaft bearings with plastigage.
Here's the crankshaft diagram. I'm buying parts 3, 5 and 6.