This subtle hiccup at idle has been with the bike since purchase. It doesn't occur when the bike is cold, only after it's heated up. It sounds like a stutter, like there's just a tiny bit of slack in the cam chain or something... As soon is the throttle is off-idle the sound/stutter disappears.
Most audible at 10, 14, 24, and 28/29 seconds:
I haven't opened the top end since purchasing the bike. Starts like a champ every time, idles strong, doesn't need much choke to catch it's stride. I figured the valve clearances were likely solid, but I suppose some clearances could be getting tight causing one of the cam lobes to catch up for a sec...
I recently rebuilt the tensioner with all new gaskets and spring. I re-verified that the plunger is functioning properly.
Put some fresh oil in her since that video was shot and the noise *seems* less frequent. It mostly occurs after she gets to her max operating temp (~200* f)
I have to assume the cam chain or shim clearances are likely out of spec?...
The bike rides like a dream otherwise...
Any insight on what it could be or what to check would be much appreciated.