Hear it under load, and goes away when let off throttle some.
Don't hear much at hard acceleration (due to engine noise), and don't hear so much at higway speed due to wind noise.
I don't know if it has just gotten louder or if I heard it on recent occasion of riding without earplugs .... or if its just me getting concerned about the 4 day trip coming up next week.
But, I don't recall hearing it before (in 30+ years of riding GS Gs).
(Is fairly common on Hondas, but that can be valve train or counter balancers or drive train in those.)
On the G I would think it is the front drive there on back of transmission (called Secondary Drive, right?).
Doesn't sound like is from the back final drive.
I do change the 80/90 gear lube every other year (less than 6k miles), or once a year if have a higher milage year. And did drain it tonight. Was some fine black sludge on the drain plug magnet, but not a lot, and not shiney slivers of stuff.
Did notice a couple very small shiney flecks in drain pan, but I didn't really check the pan before I started but was dirty oiley from prior use.
Did some searches and found some info.
Questions I have :
- How concerned should I be?
- Slight whine not too bad?
- Can it whine like that for long time without getting worse? Thousands and Thousands of miles? (years ago, my Chevy Astro van rear diff whined but didn't get much at all louder for several years.)
- Or does it get worse real quick, say a few hundred miles, or couple thousand miles, and have failure?
- Any posting about this that I didn't find?