So, I bought this bike from my buddy who wasn't riding it anymore, it was sitting in his shed for 2 years (got it for $400, has 25,000 miles on it). I noticed it was burning a lot of oil on start up so I figured it was bad valve seals. I did a compression test and was getting pressures of around 125. I also had a stuck float as I was spilling fuel out the left side overflow line, and sometimes out the airbox drainage line. I took the carbs off, took them all apart, and dunked each one in carb dip, reassembled with new O-rings, set float height and then synced them with a carb sync. I then and went and tore the top half off and put new valve seals in, lapped the valves into place and cleared the tappets to the .03 - .08. I also got new plugs and properly gapped them, new gasket, put it all back together, fired it up and was running fine from the beginning (although checking plugs seems to be running a little on the lean side.) That was earlier this week. So now after around 50 miles, I went to start it up in this morning while it was on the side stand. When I stood it up to sit on it and leaned it level, it started making this knocking sound (first video link below). This goes away when RPMS around 1800-2000. I rode it home from my girls house (where I spent the night) and when I got home, the sound had diminished a little (second video link) but it was still there. After letting it sit for a bit, the sound was back. I decided to take it to work anyways because my girl is using my car while hers is getting a new transmission (but that's a whole other story). Bike didn't seem to be running or sounding bad, and when got to work the sound was gone.
Now, after reading some other posts, people were saying that this could be an exhaust problem, which could make sense, because the exhaust bolt busted on the #3 cylinder so I had to drill it out and tap it for one size larger, which created another problem in that couldn't get the proper alignment to get exhaust bolts to fit directly in the hole and had to keep opening up the bracket holes to get more clearance to get both bolts to thread. But, if it were exhaust related, how would this be any different after bike has warmed up? Maybe thermal expansion closed off the leak when engine is warmed up? Let me know your thoughts.
First video link:
Second video link:
This is my first motorcycle and don't have that much experience with engines but I love tinkering (am an engineer) with them and they make sense to me in their operation. I'm basically looking for is the bike safe to run for the rest of the year (have plans this winter to tear it all down and clean it up, replace all gaskets, etc.) or is this more of a serious issue that needs to be taken care of right now? Thanks in advance guys!