Here's the situation: I'm currently piecing together the necessary parts to convert my 750 to an 850. I picked up a set of jugs and pistons for next to nothing on eBay. One of the cylinder walls had a scratch that wasn't deep enough to catch my fingernail, but still a bit worrisome. I honed most of the scratch out with a ball hone, but left a hint of it as I didn't want to go too oversized.
Looking at the 850 service manual, I see that the standard cylinder bore is 69.000mm-69.015mm and the limit is 69.080mm. So where do the oversizes fit within that range? Is 69.000mm - 69.015 mm the range in which I can still use standard piston rings and then anything above that, up to 69.080mm, would need oversize rings?
The fiche on Parts Outlaw lists oversizes at 0.5 and 1.0, but they only have pistons in OS 0.5 and rings in OS 1.0. I'm assuming oversize rings need to be matched with pistons of the same oversize and that you can't put oversized rings on standard pistons or any other such combination, correct?
Also, is the OS 0.5 and OS 1.0 nomenclature an actual measurement in millimeters, or is it more akin to size measurements like small, medium and large? If it's the latter, what are the actual bore size measurements to determine if one would need OS 0.5 vs OS 1.0?
I haven't had a chance to measure what the diameter of the scratched bore is now, but I will be borrowing a bore gauge soon.
I know this is a bunch of questions about something that is sort of a moot point in this particular case, but I would still like to acquire the knowledge of how all this works.
Thanks in advance for any input.