I'm in Portland, Oregon. I picked up two of these guys at the racetrack swap meet a couple months ago. One of them was wrecked so we haven't messed with that one much yet. These forums are really hard for me to navigate for information. I'm an Iraq war infantry veteran and I've got mild TBI.
Anyways, got one started on the first try, it hadn't started in over 10 years. Rode it around for a couple of minutes then it started smoking. The left side crank case gasket was bad. But oil was also coming up and out of it into the starter tray. Figured out it's because the old owner took the alternator out! And no rectifier installed either, yay.
I've already got some new shocks for it. I would like to put a modern front end on with awesome brakes. Who makes the best brake lines? We're going to redo the wiring after we get it running solid and get it registered at the DMV etc.
We're going to put modern lighting on it.
What's the best regulator/rectifier?
Actually, I just want to overhaul all of the electrical, please send any help you can.
I'm curious about aftermarket support or whatever for wheels as well.
Has anyone done a mono shock conversion with the shaft driven bikes? What's the biggest tire I can squeeze into the back? Is the shaft housing modifiable at all for more clearance? Etc...
Thanks guys and gals.