On the day I bought the bike the battery was not doing to well so we boosted it from his truck... while it was running... I now know that's not kosher when it comes to this bike but at the time I didn't know, sorry guys. But it ran fairly well that day so I assume that it didn't damage it. Since then I have found several problems, first was that the in-line fuel filter basically turned to soft rubber and collapsed on it's self stopping all fuel (I replaced it but I assumed something got into the engine that should not have been there as well as the tank). So I had the carbs cleaned (shop told me they were pretty dirty, not 100% sure I trust the shop but I don't have much choice in my area) and it still runs pretty badly - here are the problems:
- very hard starts (a couple minutes to actually get it running without the starter being needed) (this has been a day one issue for me with this bike.)
- once running it coughed and back-fired (back-fire into both the exhaust and threw the carbs into the air-box)
- very hesitant when given fuel/throttle movement (just revving the engine - not in gear)
- very rough running (stalls until warm, but continues to run poorly when warm)
- almost no power (getting to 50km/h takes 15 sec or so, but 90km/h takes 30-40 sec and is struggling very hard to get there)
- it has started to over-heat after driving for about 20-30 minutes (like "smell" the heat when stopped for a few seconds)
I have done the following to try and rectify the problem (or I just wanted to do it as I had no idea how long it had been since it was done the last time) in order:
- steering head bearings replacement (shop - for safety)
- spark plugs changed
- in-line fuel filter replacement
- gas tank cleaning
- carb cleaning (shop)
- re-attach choke cable
- oil change (synthetic as the previous owner switched it to synthetic - no idea why, but I'm sticking with it)
- oil filter change
- transmission oil change
- final drive oil change
Today (I should have done this a couple weeks ago) I tried running it and pulling one spark plug cable at a time to see what would happen. Three of the four it did as expected and killed the engine, but when I pulled #3's cable (sitting on the seat and looking down its the inside right cylinder - so I think its number three but not sure) nothing really happened. So I pulled the spark plug out and put it against the block and saw a spark (and checked the gap 0.07 I believe is good) but did not smell fuel nor see a vapour coming out of the cylinder while turning it over with the plug out. I am going to re-run the test after the battery is charged again. I also think the starter is fine as it turns the engine at about 450-750rpm depending on battery charge.
So now that you have the information I have questions:
- one: how bad is it that I boosted the bike with a running truck, what damage/symptoms would I have/get?
- two: would there be any reason #3 (i think) would not get fuel? (or do you even see any vapours?)
- three: am I right about that being cylinder #3?
- four: could my problems stem from tappet or timing issues or does it sound like something is way out of adjustment?
I do not want to put much more money into this bike as I have put $800 ($500 for labour, $300 for parts) or so into it. I don't mind getting some cheapish tools and my hands a bit dirty but if this is going to cost me several hundred more dollars or is deep in the bowels of the engine and it still might not work I may have to sell it at a loss or part this thing out and I don't want to do that, Rasputin has grown on me. If you have any questions or need clarification please do ask and I'll answer to the best of my ability. I know it's a lot to read and is a lot of information but the more you know the better my chances at getting this thing running like a champ are.