So I put it all together and it starts on choke easy and will warm up nice to where I can get the choke off. It will sit there and idle nice for about ten minutes and it just stops like it lost spark or fuel. It don't sputter like a loss of fuel though. I put a direct feed of gas through funnel and it still quit. I loosen float bowls and they all had gas in them. It seems to do this after it warms up. If it sits over night and a start it cold it starts right up and idles fine. After it stalls it will start back of but runs rough and will stall. I can some times hold the rpms up and it will go back to normal but I would take it for a short test ride and when I got back I pulled in garage and just quit. I ran good on test ride.
I am trying to determine if I am loosing spark. I think it is getting fuel. Is a way to see if I am loosing spark or check ignition system.
I also think the charging system may not be fully charging. It is a little over 13 volts when rpms are up. Not sure if this could be related to my running problem. I did notice the 3 yellow coil wire were getting hot to the touch.
Any ideas would be appreciated. One last thing. I did pull the plugs when it quit. the electrode was black and the ground tab was what I would call white.