The head gasket has the copper rings molded in and o-rings that (I guess) are supposed to fit inside of them, but the o-rings are too big to fit (.78" OD on o-rings vs .75" ID on copper ring), and their construction makes me uneasy about the way they are supposed to be used.
The o-rings have a metal sheet sandwiched in them and are taller on one side than the other, with a gray stripe on the tall side. Here's a photo of all the parts in multiple views:
I have multiple questions:
- Are these even the right o-rings? It doesn't seem like it, because no matter which way they are assembled, since the metal washer inside the o-ring will not fit inside the copper ring, it looks like it will prevent the copper ring from sealing completely on the side the washer is on.
- If they are right, in what order do they assemble (Cylinder/o-ring/gasket/head) or (Cylinder/gasket/o-ring/head) and which way is "up" (gray "tall side" or black "short side")? Also, what do you do to insure they are absolutely centered when lowering the head - there's no positive way to center them as-is and it seems really risky to cinch it down if any one of these is not PERFECTLY centered in the copper ring.
- If these are wrong and there's no way of centering them, can I cut or grind the circumference to fit inside the copper rings? Or what can I use instead and what's the P/N? I'd rather not have to spend another $90+ for the factory head gasket.
- Have I labeled this head gasket correctly - (smooth "rounded" side UP/rough "flat" side DOWN)?
Any guidance is appreciated!