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Gear Shift / Transmission Problem

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    So...put it back together and no change. Shifting still feels like a mess.

    I verified the teeth on the gearshift shaft were in position with the gears driven by the shifting cam. Then I played around with the cam driven gears and the problem. The gear shifting cam doesn't move. When the dogs on the cam driven gears engage the cam, nothing happens...I can't turn anything. Of course, if I compress the spring loaded dogs on the cam driven gears, it will move until the dogs engage the cam...then nothing.

    I'll have to pull the motor and split the cases again. Anyone have an idea why the cam isn't moving? Maybe I reassembled it wrong or something was/is broken...I don't know.
    Last edited by Guest; 04-24-2017, 04:34 PM.


      I'm wondering if shift drum has been somehow knocked off its correct start position and it's binding up gears. Split cases (ugh) and find neutral by observing gear position, then check orientation of shift drum.
      1981 gs650L

      "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


        Thanks, Tom. I agree with the "ugh" since that's sort of what came to mind when I noticed the lack of movement behind the clutch. My thought was a little more colorful than "ugh" but I'll go with that for now. So I at least have a head start because the external gear shift mechanism and clutch are out. LOL! Now, I just have to remove the engine, disassemble the lower end (crankshaft can stay put, lucky me), remove the transmission, and get to the internal gearshift mechanism to check the shifting drum.

        That's going to take this old man a while, definitely not a day or two working by myself. I'll post pics when I have 'em.


          Cases split this afternoon, after a lapse of brain power. I haven't looked into the problem yet and won't get to it until tomorrow. I know this - the shifting drum will turn by hand. However, the counter shaft gear set and the drive shaft gear set will not. I honestly don't know if that indicates a problem or it's normal as this is uncharted territory for me. But it seems like that's where the problem is.


            After making double sure that both gear sets were correctly aligned, it seems to be okay now. This afternoon, I got the pistons into the cylinders (and forgot how much of a pain it is to do by myself...ugh!). With some luck, I can work on the gear shift mechanism tomorrow and verify that it's really good to go. So except for stuffing the motor back into the frame (which is also a pain to do solo), the lion's share of the heavy lifting is done.


              What did you find the problem to be?
              No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.

              Eric Bang RIP 9/5/2018
              Have some bikes ready for us when we meet up.


                Best guess is that something (gear sets, forks, whatever) was not in its correct position/improperly aligned.


                  Were you able to cycle through the gears to test without it all back together?


                    Up five, down five and neutral.

