I have a 1981 gs1000 shaft drive. i think it has always had this noise, as it hasnt been ridden regularly yet, but its not a clunk so i assumed it was just a loose cam chain. or mabye the valves??? it has 60,000kms
tightened the cam chain tensioner..... it still made the noise, however it was slightly better.. i think.
rode down to see a mechanic, he reckoned ...
1. cam chains still loose and slapping around,
2. main bearing
3. roller bearing.
i cant really find the source of the noise, but he reckons its definitely the bottom. noise either goes away, or is silenced by revving. and it follows the revs in speed. its always there and is always repetitive and uniform, not louder or anything.
so.. what i need to know is...is this indicative of a big problem? the bikes not worth a lot to me and im not prepared to bust open the engine to replace bearings. and is there any tests I can do to determine if it IS, or ISNT any of these issues or something else. performance wise its fine, no issues otherwise
the link should take you to a video. you might have to fast forward to when the camera is facing the engine close up to hear it go "ta-ka-ta-ka-ta-ka"