I've got the top end apart and am in the process of a rebuild. Part of that is painting the engine.
Now, I may or may not have totally screwed up here, but as the engine paint cures with heat and I cannot start it for a while, I decided I'd try to harden it a bit by warming it in the oven. I did this after researching and reading that it should be ok to do this if careful.
I put everything in the cold oven and turned it up to 50c. Left it half an hour, then to 100c, half hour again, then 180c. After a short while I heard a rattle from the oven and upon opening it I saw that the cylinder block had actually dropped to the oven shelf, leaving the once flush cylinder bores sticking up, loose in the head. Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhh!!!
Obviously, they're an interference fit, the ally head expanded quicker than the bores, hence why they dropped.
I quickly reseated them all, but they don't appear to be 100% dead flush with the head surface. I can catch a nail on them.
Have I just basically trashed my cylinder head? Please say no...
The actual gasket surface seems pretty flat just off a steel rule but if you lay the rule over the bores, there is daylight.