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signal light hell and polishing WIN

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    signal light hell and polishing WIN

    So today I spent the day playing with my GS
    Well all most is was my 11 yo's birthday so I had to take a group of 9 11yo girls swimming for 3 hours. and hell I took a 300M for a test drive as well, so basicly back the bike
    Ive had non working signals for the longest time and today I decided to do something about it, awhile ago I decided to ditch the stock signals for a set of small type after market stork lights and to tell you the truth they are absolute garbage the lights just fell apart in 200 Klicks and ever since the fell apart I just unpluged them from the harness and left them.

    So I was in Canadian Tire and see Led marker lights for trucks, $7.99 can ..I took the crome housing off and popped the LED light in the signal shell and they work great.....

    heres the problem, the signals only stay on....they dont flash, so its the relay isnt it?
    Theres allso a black box on the GS1150 called the SIgnal generator box
    I think its to do with the self cancelling ....any Idea's

    I allso did a blinding Job of paint stripping and and polishing my spare Cam cover, it was so quick and easy, I remember tackling a project like this when I was a kid and it would take weeks...or may when I was a kid I would just get bored easy huh.

    I don't think the led's draw enough current to flash. You might put a resistor in parallel with the led and see if you can get it work. I'm not sure what the filiment resistance is, but it goes up when on (hot). I'd guess somewhere about 2k ohms.

    The cover looks very nice. So, your attention span has improved?


      DOH I didnt think of that.....That may be it, so How do I put a resistor in line?


        DO you think I will need to clear coat the Cam cover before I put it on the bike?


          Originally posted by joe.d
          DOH I didnt think of that.....That may be it, so How do I put a resistor in line?
          You put it in parallel with the led - across the leads.


            since it's kinda hard to get to, I'd clear coat it so you don't see your hard work go to waste.

            the signal generator you were talking about deals with the ignition, generating a signal for the coils I believe


              Originally posted by luc8421
              the signal generator you were talking about deals with the ignition, generating a signal for the coils I believe
              Yeah, leave that the hell alone till it breaks and leaves you stranded somewhere...

              I changed my indicators to leds and had to put resistance in to get them to flash. I wired in one of the original bulbs, in a new bayonet holder, packed nicely in the glove box out of harms way, but did it in series with the led and I get a nice even flash..



                if you want a good high shine on that cam cover do this.

                buy a 4" cloth buffing wheel to go in your drill, not the kind that is covered all around like for buffing paint on a car, this is about 3/4" thick and you only use the edge. also buy compound for it, it's in a 1"cardboard tube and you put it on the buffing wheel as you go. clamp your drill(not cordless) to your workbench and turn the drill on with the hold button so it stays on.... now put the compound on the wheel and buff your aluminum. you will have to lean into it and hold on tho the peice with gloves ... it will get pretty warm. if you already stripped the "clearcoat" off with paint thinner you are ahead of the game, slowly work the peice and get abrand new shine out of an old looking peice , the compounds can be bought for high shine, satin or getting the scratches out. should be in the grinding wheel section at the hardware store, make sure you get the stuff for aluminum. and as for clear coat? I wouldn't if your going to keep up the shine with "mothers"

