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OldRed project

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    The spring bug is biting already bro.
    What's your bike status mate?
    From what I see in this thread, Amos has posted at least 5 or 6 posts with photos and such, but you have not posted one bit of info about your progress. Hmmmm....
    Currently bikeless
    '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
    '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

    I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

    "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


      Originally posted by Jethro
      From what I see in this thread, Amos has posted at least 5 or 6 posts with photos and such, but you have not posted one bit of info about your progress. Hmmmm....
      That's because I cheat by always maintaining at least one running bike so it never matters :twisted:



        Is that frame from a GS550T 1981? I have a GSX400F 1981 and the frame and swingarm look the same. I have been contemplating getting another model's engine and fitting it to my bike (got engine troubles) as parts are rare for the original including expensive. Perhaps I should make my bike look a little better too. I have tremendous respect for anyone that is willing to strip down a bike that much and build it up from the ground. How do you keep track of all the bolts? From the results that I've seen on this site it definitely seems worthwhile to do so much restoring work. What will it cost to respray the frame. Can it be sprayed with a can or aren't the results worth it? How do decide on the colour of the frame? Are you going to keep yours black?


          Originally posted by Hoomgar View Post
          Bare metal rusts fast buddy! Get something on it ASAP!
          Well, the frame survived the winter and wet spring with little to no Rust. My garage Must be Dry.

          Originally posted by Hoomgar View Post
          Wakey wakey
          The spring bug is biting already bro.
          What's your bike status mate?
          Hold your horses.. Updates will HOPEFULLY start coming a little faster now.. (read below)

          Originally posted by Jethro View Post
          From what I see in this thread, Amos has posted at least 5 or 6 posts with photos and such, but you have not posted one bit of info about your progress. Hmmmm....
          Jethro, when I first read this I thought you were talking bout me. I'll have to go see how Hooms project is coming along here shortly. Esp seeing as how my 650's inspection ran out last month (oops). I'm thinking I'll drop by Papparo's and have him inspect it while I'm at work.. All depends on how the day shapes up tomorrow.

          Originally posted by Hoomgar View Post
          That's because I cheat by always maintaining at least one running bike so it never matters :twisted:
          Hoom, You have taught me this well... though having the 650 to ride may have made me a bit lazy on this project.. Hmm.. need to re-think that strategy maybe..

          Originally posted by wesleyweazel View Post
          Is that frame from a GS550T 1981? I have a GSX400F 1981 and the frame and swingarm look the same. I have been contemplating getting another model's engine and fitting it to my bike (got engine troubles) as parts are rare for the original including expensive. Perhaps I should make my bike look a little better too. I have tremendous respect for anyone that is willing to strip down a bike that much and build it up from the ground. How do you keep track of all the bolts? From the results that I've seen on this site it definitely seems worthwhile to do so much restoring work. What will it cost to respray the frame. Can it be sprayed with a can or aren't the results worth it? How do decide on the colour of the frame? Are you going to keep yours black?
          Yes, that is the frame from a 550T, which was only made in 1981, so, yeah.
          Keeping track of the bolts?? I was supposed to do that?? Oops.. Well, I do have the factory manual for my 650 and the clymer for the 550, and the engines are nearly (though not quite, esp when it comes to the clutch) identical. However I do have a few pizza box lids with outlines of engine parts and bolts sticking through them..
          As for the frame color and cost.. Well, my father-in-law works at a powder coating place, so my loving wife for my birthday paid to have it powder coated (approx $135 I'm told). The color, well, since this is a resto-vation I decided to stick with gloss black, just like original.

          Now for the news....

          I've got my frame BACK!!!! WooHooo... Pictures will follow, though probably not till next week, unless I get energetic tomorrow night (actually I might seeing as how I'll be home alone again)

          Man it looks nice.. Gloss black.. *sigh* Now I need to get to work shining up all the bits and pieces of the engine and deciding on which pieces from the 3 engines I tore down I'm using in the re-build.

          I'm probably going to hit a snag in that I have one size over piston rings, so I'm going to have to pay to have them matched up with the jugs, and money is really tight right now.. Time will tell.

          Like I just said, I'll post some pictures tomorrow night so ya'll can see how it's coming along.



            Rock on buddy, can't wait to see it


              Originally posted by Hoomgar View Post
              Rock on buddy, can't wait to see it
              Anytime.. I think I'm going to head to HF early next week and see if I can find some attachments for my dremel to start shining things up on the engine parts..

              And like I stated, I'm going to have to find somewhere to hone my jugs and match them up with the pistons and rings I have..

              But having the frame back, I'm kinda getting pumped about starting to put things back together.

              Wanna come over tonight and help me re-build the 550's forks?? (possably on the agenda along with packing for yet another weekend trip)



                Originally posted by TheBigRed View Post
                Anytime.. I think I'm going to head to HF early next week and see if I can find some attachments for my dremel to start shining things up on the engine parts..

                And like I stated, I'm going to have to find somewhere to hone my jugs and match them up with the pistons and rings I have..

                But having the frame back, I'm kinda getting pumped about starting to put things back together.

                Wanna come over tonight and help me re-build the 550's forks?? (possably on the agenda along with packing for yet another weekend trip)

                *sigh* I'd love to but can't. I have to get that hole in the side of the house closed while I have the ladder


                  Pictures Promised, Pictures Delivered:

                  Here is the nice shiny Frame:

                  Nice Shiny Stands:

                  Nice shiny other bits:

                  Well, that's all the good news.. Now for the bad... I need money!!

                  LOL, don't we all. Anyway, I discovered in my haste to get the frame and everything torn down, I misplaced the bolts, spacer, etc for the center stand, and now that I think about it.. probably the side stand as well, so I'm gonna have to buy new. Such is life though, might as well do things right since I'm at this point, eh?

                  I decided today that despite having put the POR-15 on the swingarm, which right now looks just as shiny, I'm gonna probably want to put at least a couple of coats of gloss black enamel paint over it, as other pieces I painted with said paint are no longer glossy. Such is life once again, and I can just use that paint to do up some of the other parts that should be freshend up (tripple T for one).

                  So, that will be my next step I believe.. getting some paint and getting those bits painted. Follow that with a re-build of the forks, as well as a nice buffing.

                  Alas, don't let me get ahead of myself.

                  Someone come light a fire under my arse...



                    Ok, never let it be said that I don't admit when I'm wrong.

                    Cause I was wrong!! WooHoo..

                    I was just digging through boxes of parts and I found the bolts/spring/spacers I though I had lost!!

                    Though this poses another problem (one I was vaugely aware of when I unloaded parts last night) Unfortunately they did not block off all of the places they needed to when prepping the frame. IE the spacers that are used in place of bearings (sort of) in the center stand won't fit. Few other places as well that I"m going to need to figure out a way to remove some of the powder coating without ruining the job. I'm trying parts first though, because if they fit without grinding etc, I'm leaving it as is..

                    I started putting some bits and pieces on the frame. The rubber grommets for the side covers are on, the rubber tank pad is on, but not the round bits, don't want them falling off and getting lost. Bolted on the seat lock latch (since the lock itself is on the seat) Even fitted the seat on, man was that ever funny looking.

                    Anyway, I'm feeling like a little boy on Christmas morning, cept this is more fun because I'm getting my hands dirty.

                    Alas, I'm out of light and need to pack for a weekend away.

                    Oh, and I discovered I had more replacement parts than I thought I had already. (ie the round tank tabs).

                    Last edited by Guest; 09-07-2006, 08:20 PM.


                      Originally posted by TheBigRed View Post
                      Ok, never let it be said that I don't admit when I'm wrong.

                      Cause I was wrong!! WooHoo..

                      I was just digging through boxes of parts and I found the bolts/spring/spacers I though I had lost!!

                      Though this poses another problem (one I was vaugely aware of when I unloaded parts last night) Unfortunately they did not block off all of the places they needed to when prepping the frame. IE the spacers that are used in place of bearings (sort of) in the center stand won't fit. Few other places as well that I"m going to need to figure out a way to remove some of the powder coating without ruining the job. I'm trying parts first though, because if they fit without grinding etc, I'm leaving it as is..

                      I started putting some bits and pieces on the frame. The rubber grommets for the side covers are on, the rubber tank pad is on, but not the round bits, don't want them falling off and getting lost. Bolted on the seat lock latch (since the lock itself is on the seat) Even fitted the seat on, man was that ever funny looking.

                      Anyway, I'm feeling like a little boy on Christmas morning, cept this is more fun because I'm getting my hands dirty.

                      Alas, I'm out of light and need to pack for a weekend away.

                      Oh, and I discovered I had more replacement parts than I thought I had already. (ie the round tank tabs).

                      WooHoo! Ahh to have time, money and spare parts. You may choose one of the three


                        Originally posted by Hoomgar View Post
                        WooHoo! Ahh to have time, money and spare parts. You may choose one of the three

                        Ah.. yes, that would be perfect.

                        However, now I've run into the snag of other items taking priority. For the next week or so I've got to start prepping for a new shower. So, not only will I have minimal time, but also will be spending money.

                        So, yes, I have one of the three, the spare parts..



                          Originally posted by TheBigRed View Post
                          Ah.. yes, that would be perfect.

                          However, now I've run into the snag of other items taking priority. For the next week or so I've got to start prepping for a new shower. So, not only will I have minimal time, but also will be spending money.

                          So, yes, I have one of the three, the spare parts..


                          How long does it take to prep for a shower for goodness sakes? You drop your clothes and jump in man! Just skip the shower, I can't smell you from here


                            Originally posted by Hoomgar View Post
                            How long does it take to prep for a shower for goodness sakes? You drop your clothes and jump in man! Just skip the shower, I can't smell you from here

                            All, right smart A$$...

                            I think I managed to get more prep work done last night than I thought I was, so I should be able to squeeze some time in on this.

                            Sunday I ground down some of the powder that was keeping me from putting the center-stand on. Though the inside, where the spacers need to fit still needs to have the powder removed, it at least will slide into the brackets on the frame now.

                            I'm really not sure what my next step is going to be. I need to get the kz out of the garage and claim back some space so I can start assembly.



                              Originally posted by Hoomgar View Post
                              WooHoo! Ahh to have time, money and spare parts. You may choose one of the three

                              Well, time to wake up this old thread, with a little bit of news.

                              I've now got the spare parts, and shortly I'm going to have some spare money (been doing some consulting on the side of my normal job to bring in some extra income) in the amount of approx $350 to move forward with this project. WooHoo!!!

                              However, now the time factor is going to come into play, but I hope to scrape aside some of that as well where I can.

                              So, you may be asking, what is the money going to go for, well here is my short list:

                              Things requiring the Money:
                              Wheel/Steering head bearings and races (approx $70 + shipping from allballs)
                              Press in/install Bearings (labor cost at shop that can propperly press, guessing $75 if I bring everything apart)
                              650 Top end Purchase (still working on this pricing
                              650 Gasket set (base gasket up determined once I know what exactly I'll need)
                              Seat recovered or replaced (this isn't super priority to getting her running, but will need to be done sometime)

                              I am also going to need some other items which are less costly, but all together will add up such as polishing kits, paint etc.

                              Anyway, the money isn't in my account yet, so I can't spend it yet, but I'm looking forward to being able to.



                                Another update!!

                                Deposited money into my account for that side work, so here is the update.

                                Getting final pricing on the 650 top end (thanks NeroBro!!)
                                Purchased bearing kits from allballs ($75.70 shipping and tax added)
                                Contacted seller of seat on ebay to have him re-list with buy it now price.

                                On my way home from work tonight I think I'm going to stop by the auto parts store and pick up some rustoleum gloss black paint for the tripple T. May also price out some polishing compound and get some of that as well. While I do have this influx of cash for the project I have to be careful I don't over-spend as the budget won't allow for that, however, I've got some more side work lined up that should keep a little bit of cash flowing into this project.

                                Guess now I really need to go through boxes and sort out all the misc bolts etc that I've had stored away for years to make sure I have what I need, or know what I need to replace.


