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    ok so heres the deal... this is my first bike, a GS450L i believe it's an 80... bought it from a friend for 100 bucks... not 2 bad i guess... runs really good... i put 40 miles on it going up and down our dirt lane that is a mile long... got it up to 50mph... ok so no problems with it running... now to my question... i can paint professionally... but seeing as how i only paid 100 bucks for the bike... i don't want to spend alot on paint... damn A.D.D i keep losing my train of thought... ummmm what was i gonna say?? oh i have a can of green metallic paint very awesome looking color.. i had gotton it for free from the paint rep. at work... so all i would need to do is get primer... and i have clear coat... i was gonna go with the spray bomb method... but i think i answered my own question... still i'll take suggestions... and does the paint from the spray cans hold up??? i've never really used them... i hope this makes sense to anybody that reads it... feedback would be greatly appreciated

    The rattle-can clears won't hold up to gas. A catalyzed clear is much better since you have the equipment.


      look on the home-page. theres a series on how to do it cheaply with rattle cans, and get some pretty good results.


        I've heard ceramic clear will hold up to gas much better, especially with a nice thick coat of wax. Or several,...


          yeah i think that is what i'm gonna do... i just hope it turns out alright... painting in my barn and all... might as well use that free paint... and the rest of the clear... hopefully i'll get it done before the end of the week... i'll let you all know how it turns out... if i knew how to put pictures up here i would...


            hmmm... didn't turn out to bad... i still don't know if i like the color though... it's a darker green with green and silver metallic flakes... got some dirt in the clear... i'm just gonna have to wet sand it out... 100 dollar bike... i'm not lookin for anything fancy... i still need to do the tank... i had a couple pinholes in the body work... so i'm gonna get some spot putty from work tomorrow... anybody know how to put pictures on here???


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