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It's Done

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    It's Done

    As far as I'm concerned, I'm not doing anything else to the bike except maintenance and safety.
    Here is a couple of new pictures of the beast. Well what do you think? BTW, I had the checkered flag decal done for $13 for 9' of it. The story is that I looked for monthes for someplace to buy it or someone to make it. Could not find it and all the quotes to make it were $50 and up. So I stopped in this sign shop by my favorite chinese resturant and he said $13 I about died. I still have 3" left, I should have more but one of my students talked me out of some.

    Last edited by Guest; 04-24-2006, 09:23 AM.

    I like it Chuck. Work well done. I don't care for those fairings. I think it's the shape that gets me but the visors are great. That is the worse critique I can come up with man and it is simply a matter of taste. The bike looks great


      Originally posted by Hoomgar
      I like it Chuck. Work well done. I don't care for those fairings. I think it's the shape that gets me but the visors are great. That is the worse critique I can come up with man and it is simply a matter of taste. The bike looks great
      Thanks Hoomgar,
      The fairing wasn't my first choice but the Vetter Sting was made for the square headlight GS's in the early 80s so I thought I put it on there for originality. My first choice was a bullet fairing and change the headlight and speedo/tach and clubman handle bars but my back won't take the cafe racer position anymore (old). So I opted for the superbike bars and the sting fairing. I really should have put new mirrors too, but I'm to lazy.


        Originally posted by Evil Hobbit
        Thanks Hoomgar,
        The fairing wasn't my first choice but the Vetter Sting was made for the square headlight GS's in the early 80s so I thought I put it on there for originality. My first choice was a bullet fairing and change the headlight and speedo/tach and clubman handle bars but my back won't take the cafe racer position anymore (old). So I opted for the superbike bars and the sting fairing. I really should have put new mirrors too, but I'm to lazy.
        I love those big lolli-pop mirrors! That is what my bikes have and I love them. They are reminiscent of the time era and they are extremely functional for an old design.


          I like it! That fairing, at a glance, has a bit of the Katana to it and I think it works well. But like the Hoomster sed it's a taste thing.


            hey chuck, the bike looks good ! do the checkers just stick on ? is it like a roll of tape ?...b.b.


              I like the width and height of the windshield, but don't care for fairings in general. The checker flag stripe look awesome! And the Katana sword on the tail light is cool! Nice bike, man.

              What's your exhaust there?
              Currently bikeless
              '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
              '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

              I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

              "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


                Nice looking bike, Chuck. I can relate to the back thing. Ray
                "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded" -Yogi Berra
                GS Valve Shim Club
                1978 GS1000EC Back home with DJ
                1979 GS1000SN The new hope
                1986 VFR700F2 Recycled


                  can I have some?

                  Originally posted by Evil Hobbit
                  I still have 3" left, I should have more but one of my students talked me out of some.
                  I'd give you asking price for what you have left if it will do what I need.. If you recall, I had a mishap with a freshly painted fuel tank last year, and I lost a huge chunk of paint near the gas cap opening... This would make a GREAT RACING STRIPE to cover up the scar with... I think to cover the gash my tank has, I'd need two widths, long enough to go end-to-end on a GS650L tank.

                  PM me if you're interested... I can send you measurements and pics of my damage again if you like... Think i'll go find my post on that last year... maybe the pics are still around...



                    That looks SHARP!
                    I kind of like the look of the fairing.............


                      Originally posted by bobo
                      hey chuck, the bike looks good ! do the checkers just stick on ? is it like a roll of tape ?...b.b.
                      The decal is like tape. the guy that made them for me does automotive graphics.


                        Originally posted by Jethro
                        I like the width and height of the windshield, but don't care for fairings in general. The checker flag stripe look awesome! And the Katana sword on the tail light is cool! Nice bike, man.

                        What's your exhaust there?
                        That symbol is actually a Shriners symbol. Yep, I'm one of those guys that ride in parades in the funny hats.


                          Originally posted by wharrah
                          I'd give you asking price for what you have left if it will do what I need.. If you recall, I had a mishap with a freshly painted fuel tank last year, and I lost a huge chunk of paint near the gas cap opening... This would make a GREAT RACING STRIPE to cover up the scar with... I think to cover the gash my tank has, I'd need two widths, long enough to go end-to-end on a GS650L tank.

                          PM me if you're interested... I can send you measurements and pics of my damage again if you like... Think i'll go find my post on that last year... maybe the pics are still around...

                          Wharrah, I have 3' left and it is 1.5" wide. I really would like to hang on to it, but if you like I can give the contact info for the guy and I'm sure he'll make you some.


                            I looks fabulous ,but it look so main stream I bet it ride great.As soon as I get done with mine you will See customized gs .I not saying mine is better just not like everybody's Else's .

