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Work In Progress my 82 gs1100gk

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    Work In Progress my 82 gs1100gk

    She started out as a full bagger and now Ive stripped her down added a 9 inch headlight 11 in drop shocks from a road king and other little things. Im looking for 7/8s t-bars for up front anyone know of anyone that makes em? Click on the url below to see what Ive done so far. Shes not pretty yet but I think shes on her way.

    Very Interesting.......Your bike looks like an L model, but with the benefit of a 5 gallon fuel tank. That's a nice combination.


      Very nice. I am looking into getting some shorter shocks for my GS850GL. I like the lower stance, it helps my short legs reach the ground.


        Thanks Guys


        Im new to Suzuki's and the fairing was just not all that attractive to me. I ran into a guy on the "Horse Board" who was parting out a 81 suzuki (might of been an L model) and he made me a real good deal on the headlight, mounting brackets and turn signals. That big headlight sure looks good on there and I your right the 5 gallon tank is something I like alot. Soon I will be starting the body work (once i get the new starter, some gaskets and the front tire) Im going to color match the dark blue side covers. It will look alot nicer then the org. brown on gold. I think im gonna do a dark blue base with silver in the tank indents as well as in the fender where the two tone normally goes. Then I will pin strip with a double silver around the edge of everything to tie it all it.


        I droped mine almost 3 inches the stock shocks were 13 inches with no air and I used 11 inch Harley road king shocks. I like the full skirt! I think they are better looking then the exsposed coil and much easier to keep clean. I did alot of fab work to get them shocks to work but it was well worth it. She rides a bit stiffer now but feels more in tune with the road and handles better!! Taking off is more of a joy to!! Im 5' 11" and Im happy with the 11 inch drop shocks. I wouldnt go any more then a 2 inch drop though if ya plan on having a passanger. Make sure to use a heavy duty shock or you may bottom out on your fender.

        My Respects to you both
        Panhead Josh


          The GK bodywork is universally despised. It kept a lot of people from buying an otherwise excellent bike. The paint scheme you describe sounds nice. Please keep the pictures comin!



            Great lookin bike. I'm currently customizing an identical bike, but mine is getting out of the paint shop tomorrow. It's Navy Blue Metallic with all black accents. I am in the process of polishing a lot of stuff. The brake calipers, motor, forks, and wheels are all getting polished. It should look pretty killer when all is said and done. I'll put pix up tomorrow. I've been looking for a way to lower mine though. What all did you have to do to get those Road King shox to fit?


              Originally posted by PanheadJosh74
              I wouldnt go any more then a 2 inch drop though if ya plan on having a passanger. Make sure to use a heavy duty shock or you may bottom out on your fender.
              Thanks for the info. I am heading to the bike salvage with one of my old shocks today to see if I can find something that will fit.


                Fat Sac

                In order to put the road king shocks on you must cut both top studs off flush with the frame center punch them drill a pilot hole untill you get up to 1/2 inch then slip a grad 3 bolt through the back side ( this requires temp removing fender) on the bottom right side as you sit on the bike you must cut the outter perch plate off and have a wider one welded out further. On the bottom left side you must either a have a new stud made at a machine shop that is 1/2-3/4 inch longer or cut it off flush with the shock center punch it drill a hole thread it and use a bolt and washer at the end. If you dont have access to the tools any local weld shop can do this for you in an afternoon. REMEMBER as always with welding unhook the battery both pos & neg before you start. You eletrical system with thank you.



                  Make sure the bike you get the shocks off of is at least a 750cc bike or you will run into travel and pre load issues. Another thing you can do to lower the bike is weld a steel barrel on top of the frame dirrectly above the stock mount and this will lower you about 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch depending on placement. You can even move the barrel forward a little bit. No more then a 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch or your shocks will act more like struts.



                    Originally posted by PanheadJosh74
                    In order to put the road king shocks on you must cut both top studs off flush with the frame center punch them drill a pilot hole untill you get up to 1/2 inch then slip a grad 3 bolt through the back side ( this requires temp removing fender) on the bottom right side as you sit on the bike you must cut the outter perch plate off and have a wider one welded out further. On the bottom left side you must either a have a new stud made at a machine shop that is 1/2-3/4 inch longer or cut it off flush with the shock center punch it drill a hole thread it and use a bolt and washer at the end. If you dont have access to the tools any local weld shop can do this for you in an afternoon. REMEMBER as always with welding unhook the battery both pos & neg before you start. You eletrical system with thank you.
                    So the road king shocks are a little wider at the pivot points? Do you have any pix from the build?


                      fat sac

                      The road kinf shocks use half inch studs and are almost a half inch wider. I do have some close ups of the shackle mount but I was in a bind for time to get her on the road so I didnt take that may pictures of her all tore down. I will take a pic. of the threaded stud for you to see if you like the upper stud mounts are simple. A hacksaw or cut off wheel and a good 1/2 inch drill is all you need. Center punch it drill a small hole and work up to the 1/2 inch hole for the bolts. Just skip a size every time ya change bits. I tell ya the improvement in handling is worth it!!


                        Originally posted by PanheadJosh74
                        The road kinf shocks use half inch studs and are almost a half inch wider. I do have some close ups of the shackle mount but I was in a bind for time to get her on the road so I didnt take that may pictures of her all tore down. I will take a pic. of the threaded stud for you to see if you like the upper stud mounts are simple. A hacksaw or cut off wheel and a good 1/2 inch drill is all you need. Center punch it drill a small hole and work up to the 1/2 inch hole for the bolts. Just skip a size every time ya change bits. I tell ya the improvement in handling is worth it!!
                        I'd love to see the pix. I was going to try to find something 11" that fits a little better. I didn't want to cut the frame at all on this bike. I'm trying to keep it as stock as possible. I need to lower it though. I'm on my tippy toes when I stand over it.


                          I went out to the salvage yesterday. Most everything they had in the pile was 13" like the stock spring I took with me. The few I found that were shorter were for smaller bikes (450 - 250). I asked about new shocks and they had some there that were 11" shocks. They are made for the 'Wing, so they should be plenty heavy. I believe I am just going to purchase a set of those, the pivots appeared to be the same size.


                            Originally posted by steely
                            I went out to the salvage yesterday. Most everything they had in the pile was 13" like the stock spring I took with me. The few I found that were shorter were for smaller bikes (450 - 250). I asked about new shocks and they had some there that were 11" shocks. They are made for the 'Wing, so they should be plenty heavy. I believe I am just going to purchase a set of those, the pivots appeared to be the same size.
                            Be sure to let me know if you don't mind. The only thing I've found is the sportster springs. I don't know what size pivots they have though, and anything with the HD name is a steep purchase.

