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GS1000 streetfighter idea w/ picture

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    Nice bike Hector for sure. How much over is that swingarm?

    Originally posted by Hector Penalosa View Post

    Here's my bike. 1980 Suzuki GS 1100 E, slightly modified.


      Chain lineup, round one

      Time to check out and mock up chain alignment with the new custom 5/8" offset 520 pitch 17 tooth front sprocket with the EK X-ring 520 chain. I swapped out the stock GSXR 1000 rear sprocket with a Vortex 48 tooth, 520 pitch sprocket. The front sprocket is held on with the stock spacer behind it, and a 1.5 mm spacer between the sprocket and sprocket nut so that the nut can be tightened.

      5/8" front offset is pretty much the max front offset you can run before the chain hits the frame.

      Once mock-tightened, the chain clearance in all possible rub points is better than expected. Good amount of clearance in all directions. Still will probably apply some UHMW tape in the potential rub spots to keep the chain from possibly gnawing through the swingarm and frame.

      The only problem is the rear sprocket carrier. It needs to be about 6 mm narrower so that the chain will line up dead straight front to back, which will be the next challenge.

      Last edited by Guest; 03-27-2007, 10:03 PM.


        hmm... how about a pic of the carrier and wheel separately - do you have any room to change it? On my GSXR 600 wheel, I think the sprocket is almost flush with the wheel, so I hope it lines up ok, cos I don't think I can change it without major modifications to the wheel itself..


          Very tentative idea, but here it is:

          Cut about 1/4" (~6 mm) of height off each of the 5 "blocks" on the rear of the sprocket carrier. With the 520 chain, there's plenty of room to play with.


            being too lazy to walk out to the garage and look at mine to confirm, from the pic I'm guessing it might work as long as you can work out the bearing spacers etc. I also seem to recall reading that a carrier from a different wheel (stock?) fit and was a lower profile - maybe Katman's ICBM thread... worth a look.


              Originally posted by johnnay View Post
              being too lazy to walk out to the garage and look at mine to confirm, from the pic I'm guessing it might work as long as you can work out the bearing spacers etc. I also seem to recall reading that a carrier from a different wheel (stock?) fit and was a lower profile - maybe Katman's ICBM thread... worth a look.
              I knew the good chain clearance was too good to be true. I jacked up the rear wheel off the ground a few inches with the white stand shown in my signature pic to simulate shock travel with the chain mounted on the front and rear sprockets. Then I checked for chain clearance by rotating the rear wheel - clunk clunk clunk as the links hit the frame. <bangs head>

              With the rear sprocket moved inward, we should be good.

              Did a search and the magic 8 ball is pointing toward machining the sprocket carrier.

              Tentative plan - cut 6 mm off the blocks on the rear of the sprocket carrier, then machine some spacers. The bearing spacer would be shortened by 6 mm. The second spacer would be a copy of the stock one between the swingarm and wheel, but 6 mm longer. I gotta remeasure a few times and make sure 6 mm is the right number.

              If anyone knows of a sprocket carrier from another bike that's shorter than the GSXR 1000 sprocket carrier, and will fit in the GSXR 1000 cush drive, I'm all ears. :-D I tried the sprocket carrier from a 2003 Katana 600 that was laying around the garage, but surprisingly it was taller than the GSXR 1000 carrier.

              Johnnay- If it's not too much trouble, could you measure the width of your GSXR 600 sprocket carrier?

              The other thing I need to check for is wheel run - making sure the front and rear tire are lined up.
              Last edited by Guest; 03-29-2007, 01:40 AM.


                Ok, this shows the measurement from the edge of the wheel to the sprocket mounting flange - 6mm


                  Great, thanks for measuring. The Gixxer 1000 version is 7 mm. How tall are the blocks on the back?


                    This shows the format - probably the same, but just in case..


                      Here's the measurement from the bottom of the posts to the sprocket mounting flange - 34mm


                        And here's the measurement of the posts themselves - 27mm.

                        Hope this helps..!


                          Crap - got the pictures reversed, but the measurements are correct.

                          And I guess I didn't measure the 6mm to the mounting flange properly - it should be 7mm same as yours...
                          Last edited by Guest; 03-29-2007, 03:05 AM.


                            You're a lifesaver - thanks for taking the time to measure them up. All the dimensions you posted are the same between the Gixxer 600 and 1000. Sooo, next comes the adventures in sprocket carrier milling.


                              Are you running a 6" wheel or a 5.5??

                              Good luck with it, I'll be watching..


                                6", you may have an easier time with the 5.5". I may switch to the 5.5" if trying to make the 6" winds up being too much of a PITA.

