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GT tank on GS frame...observations

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    GT tank on GS frame...observations

    well, I just got my GS450T and plan to go with a full cafe make-over.

    I already ordered some clubmans for it.

    the stock tank has some rust inside (nothing flaky, just surface stuff) and the shape is by far not as boxy as i'd like (read: cruiser).
    so i found a dirt cheap GT380 tank on ebay that needs to be restored and loved the flip up gas lid and boxy lines. I figured if anything I could cut it up and make it work for what I got it for.

    well i got it home and took a look at it and I have to say it is a full SCORE!
    rust on the inside and the paint is three layers thick and chipping off (would have had to deal with both of these issues w/ the stock tank) BUT the tank is straight! one small ding and the rest is just awful paint that is nothing Jasco's can't cure.

    [sidebar]Here is the really exciting part...the GT tank has the cool vintage looking flip-up gas cap that you squeeze to open. well i just assumed i'd have to just get lucky with keeping people out of the tank (there isn't really any place it will be parked where anyone will mess with it but still).
    but i noticed a very small key hole on the right side and thought, "well if all else fails I could get a key cut to fit this lock."
    then I, just for giggles, tried my GS key in it...and what do you know but the tip of the GS key WORKS on the old GT tank lock!\\/
    I have to say I was stoked![/sidebar rant]

    so i promtly removed my stock GS tank and tried to fit the GT tank.

    well the length is right and the C-cups that go around the rubber tabs on the frame are in the right location and spaced properly.
    the rear of the tank has two small tabs that hook under the stock GS clip but the GT tank lacks the two monting tabs that the GS tank uses. simple fix with a MIG welder and a couple pieces of flat steel stock with a hole in it.

    the main issue I see is the tunnel is not designed to fit the coils, more specifically, the coil mounting brackets.
    so my plans are to remount them under the seat where the airbox was (the engine has cone filters on it) and grind off the brackets and the GT tank "should" fit down onto the GS frame like it was made for it.

    just wanted to share my experimentation with the rest of the clan.

    as I progress I will keep you guys updated. (hopefully with pics soon) [-o<
    Last edited by Guest; 09-25-2006, 01:51 PM.



      Originally posted by Chisenhallw View Post
      i know i know...but without it mounted, it doesn't do anything.
      i have to cut off the coil brackets and set the tank over the frame before anything else can be done and at the moment the shop its in doesn't have my air tools in it yet.

      still clearing space to give myself room to work in an old shop at my parents property. for now it's just stored in enough room to do superficial stuff.

