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Not bad for an afternoon's work + pics
From what i have read of this i must say the bikes looking great!!....Now i just gotta measure between the frame rails on my GS1100 to see if the fender im looking at will work on the bike..its a fender somewhat like yours sold by Drag Specalities called the Fat Bob rear fender...
Originally posted by jimcor View PostUndersand about the house and the OL, but hey, you got a responsibility to the peeps here, bro. 18 pages into the project is nowhere to leave us hanging! [-X...jk, well sorta +/-.
yeah, I hear ya. I gotta get this thing finished. I'm so close...But still so far away. Couple guys at work have been buggin me about entering it into the car show at our company picnic, which is at the end of July...Maybe we'll get it done for that.
Progress, at last
So, today I finally got a chance to work on old Suzi. No pics, cuz it really hasn't changed much in the last, oh, 6 months, but Now the brakes work again, and the electrical is really, really close to finished. All that is left is the various grounds, and installing the battery. Oh, and I gotta tap into a constant 12V supply for my running lights, but thats not a big deal. Its getting close now, Just gotta finish body work, and give her a bath.
Got a chance to work on the bike a little this weekend. Electrical is quickly coming to a close. I have the battery in, and all the lights work. My Mod to the front for running lights is even complete. Now, I gotta fill the engine with oil (I know I have a new filter floating around here somewhere), and Finish up the rear license plate mount (stock tabs were cut when I got the fender). Thats the last bit of fab work left to do. Then its time to convert my garage to a body shop, and finish up the glass on the side panels, and spray some paint. I think I'm going to go with a scheme similar to the Nightster. Might as well finish up the Harley theme, eh? Well, All except the oil leaks :mrgreen:
Oh, and I promise some pictures soon...
Originally posted by mortation View PostSounds awesome dude. But.....
PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES PICTURESSeriously, sorry its taken so long, but money has been tight (I'm starting to rethink this whole home ownership thing) and Time is even tighter. Enough excuses, here she sits.
The Battery Area...What a Mess
Ok, Moment of Triumph. Those idiot lights have not been on in 8 months!
Headlight Bucket. Even Bigger mess...Notice the running lights!
Outdoorsy Pics
Ok, I know I owe some pictures of the seat, and the weather is beautiful today, so I decided to roll ol' suzy outta the garage for some modeling. Here you go
Right Side View
Close up of the Seat/fender
Left Side View at 3/4 I think this is my favorite angle so far.
Lemme know what yall think. I'm gonna go try to get her running!
Well, no runny tonight...Can't find that stupid oil filter...But I did get some glass thrown on the side panels, and looks like those are gonna turn out pretty good. Nice and smooth! Laid lots of small piece into the seam between the chrome airbox cover, and the painted plastic. Got them approximately level. Now I'm gonna bridge the gap, and smooth it off.
Originally posted by ron bayless View PostArent those headlight buckets an absolute mess to deal with.I dont see how guys take theirs off and paint them and get all the wires back in and correctly.
Mike, good to see you making more progress on the bike. I hope you get to take some nice long rides this season. I know it can get tough to find time to work on it when other distractions show up. It took my taillight falling off for me to finally getting around to ordering new parts and doing any new work.
Man that thing is looking so sweet! I am green with envyI am definitely going to do the same fender whenever I get the money to do the fun stuff! I think I am going to see about using harley fender mounts to though to raise the rear fender up a wee bit and use shorter shocks to get that more V look.