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Not bad for an afternoon's work + pics

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    Originally posted by Mike_H View Post
    After seeing this thread

    I decided to scour Ebay high and low for a seat. I found one, and won it yesterday. Here is a link to the Ebay listing.

    Cross that of the LONG list of things to do. Now I just gotta strip the seat down, weld new mounts to the pan, and figure out how to incorporate the lock mechanisim into it...or maybe I'll just you a 1/4 turn fastener...
    Post some pics when you get the seat done please, I would like to see how you get that to fit


      giving credit

      I saw a picture of your bike and it inspired me to try a similar effect. In fact i printed a copy and hung it on the wall just to remind myself as to what i was trying to accomplish. Here are the current results


        Wow...I'm flattered Bopi! nice lookin ride you have there. Looks like your glassing your own seat up? I was going to do that, but the price was right on my Lepera that I bought.



          I was going to use an aluminum pan for the seat but I'm not sure i can get the contours right. Maybe the foam will compensate. The glass sounds like it has its own set of problems but I hadn't considered using it untill you mentioned it. I'll give the issue some thought. E-bay was an option but the back of the tank is off the frame by about 1.5 inches and I'd like the seat to flare up a little in the front to match. The tank is also kinda wide at the back and again to blend the seat means an aftermarket might be hard to fit.

          Funny about seats , I just got a look at Issac's project (with full dyna fender) and liked the results. His halflast seat did spoil the lines and I thought how much better it would look with a more contoured cushion. Guess I'll have to get another Gs and do the dress fender on it. He apparently is re-modding his anyway.

          You'll notice my tank is somewhat smaller than yours. I had the option of the larger tank with more fuel capacity but the boneyard guy is a pirate. It may be an option later if gas milage becomes a problem. He also has the 5 spoke mags and that might be another option. I just spent 2 hours with my new spoke wrench tweaking mine and I'm not sure if spokes are the direction I want to go or at least stay. In fact he has perhaps a dozen GS's of assorted years and in assorted states of disrepare and neglect sitting in the yard. Maybe if I feed his parrot some seeds, the guy will give me a break on prices.

          The story about the garage pics is actually true. The fender gives these bikes a james dean look . Besides , Its still not slow, even if it looks like it is.


            Originally posted by Bopi View Post
            I saw a picture of your bike and it inspired me to try a similar effect. In fact i printed a copy and hung it on the wall just to remind myself as to what i was trying to accomplish. Here are the current results
            I'm on the same page with you guys Both your bikes look great! I saw you got a dynaglide fender with tail light, I will keep an eye out for one. What do you guys think about something like this:

            I am just very VERY worried about drilling the mounting holes and mounting the tail light. I hate to burn cash and break it :P


              As far as drilling is concerned, Its shouldn't be too bad. I drilled through the frame while the fender was mounted (With Quick-Grip clamps) and Viola, my holes lined up perfectly. I then opened em up, and welded some 3/8" tubing crossways through the frame, to provide some load bearing capacity (never know when some fattie chick will need a ride ) On the fender side, I welded some square nuts to the backside of the holes, and thats that. Now I gotta change it slightly. The fender has to slide back a little to match the new seat I picked up. Oh well.

              As far as the taillight, The Fender I picked up came with the rear light and mounting bracket. I plan on using them unmodified. I can post pics iffn someone want to see them.


                Originally posted by mortation View Post
                I'm on the same page with you guys Both your bikes look great! I saw you got a dynaglide fender with tail light, I will keep an eye out for one. What do you guys think about something like this:

                I am just very VERY worried about drilling the mounting holes and mounting the tail light. I hate to burn cash and break it :P
                I would look for something more like this

                This is very similar to the one I am mounting. The link you posted looks like the fender will wrap around too far to look "right" But, what do I know. Its your bike, you will know what looks "best" and if you like it, who gives a rip about others.


                  fender mounting

                  On drilling the frame, the frame is very soft. measure and then use a punch to set a dimple for the drill to start without walking. then as mike said, clamp and go. Oh and keep your hand straight.

                  Ya'know I paid $10 bucks for my fender on e-bay. really. It was used but clean and the guy had primered and undercoated it before the sale. Frankly i wouldn't do any of this if it starting running into too much money. I'm funny that way. My bike cost me all of 6 hundred bucks and I can't see spending much more than its worth for upgrades..

                  The full fender you've pictured was done by Issac on his 82 850 and with good results although it had more of a dresser look to it. Shame he never fixed the seat. I got a few pics downloaded of his bike but don't remember where on this site i got them from. maybe I'll look around and see if I can post or link them.


                    taking another look

                    Taking another look at your fender and I do think it could work with a bit of the ole hacksaw. I had to cut mine up front as that portion tends to hit the crossmember under the seat. most of that end will be hidden anyway. hacksaw and a grinder that is.. Use a fine tooth blade as the fender is rather thin.

                    More my speed, price wise

                    and of coarse isacs bike

                    more cheapies


                      Originally posted by Bopi View Post
                      Taking another look at your fender and I do think it could work with a bit of the ole hacksaw. I had to cut mine up front as that portion tends to hit the crossmember under the seat. most of that end will be hidden anyway. hacksaw and a grinder that is.. Use a fine tooth blade as the fender is rather thin.

                      Shhhhh, don't tell anyone about that one! I am currently the high bidder on it!


                        Originally posted by steely View Post
                        Shhhhh, don't tell anyone about that one! I am currently the high bidder on it!

                        i see you got it, congrats.


                          Originally posted by Bopi View Post
                          i see you got it, congrats.
                          Yep! Thanks! It will require some trimming to get it where I want it. Unfortunately, I will be in Calgary when it arrives. I won't get to start mocking it up until the end of the month when I get back. I like the "duck tail" at the end of it.


                            Originally posted by Mike_H View Post
                            As far as the taillight, The Fender I picked up came with the rear light and mounting bracket. I plan on using them unmodified. I can post pics iffn someone want to see them.
                            More pics would be great thanks!


                              Originally posted by Mike_H View Post
                              I would look for something more like this

                              This is very similar to the one I am mounting. The link you posted looks like the fender will wrap around too far to look "right" But, what do I know. Its your bike, you will know what looks "best" and if you like it, who gives a rip about others.

                              I am a bargain hunter myself. So I assume this one would work too



                                Sweet thanks! I don't think either of these comes with the tail light. Did you have to make your own bracket to mount the tail light and directionals? If you did can you post some pics? Or maybe I can send you some cash and you can send me a completed one. I still got a ton of mech work to get done, so if anyone here is in NH come on over. Beer and lunch is on me lol.

