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Not bad for an afternoon's work + pics

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    Hey, you picked a good one to be your first Wings game. Even though about half our team didn't play, we still managed to crush Chicago (alright, it ain't that hard), Lidstrom gets his 200th goal, and the only guy on the Blackhawks to score was a Wing about a two weeks ago.

    I'm going to the Nashville game tonight. Should be sweet.


      Ya, It was cool. I was stoked. Wanna go back, cept for the crappy drive. Friday the weather was so horrible, took me 4 hours to get to the hotel, then dinner ran late...missed the first period. Oh well, just gives me another excuse to go again


        Swingarm - Check!

        Well, even tho its colder 'n a witch's you know what here, I managed to get the swingarm finished today. Nice having access to a paint booth. As long as I bring my own paint, I can use the booth at work, inc. guns, no questions asked.

        Anyway, I decided to break from the norm, again, and do things a little different. At least around here its different. Instead of polishing my pumpkin, I decided to paint it the same color as the frame and swingarm. I'm basically a lazy person, and the casting on my rear unit was very rough. Turned out pretty good though. It won't go back on the bike till this weekend. I know, I know, I was supposed to have a roller last weekend, but my wife changed my plans. Here's some pics of the swingarm and pumpkin...

        Should look pretty good when installed. still gotta clean up some fasteners, but I'll wait to do that until I'm done twisting them with Crapsman wrenches. You can do wonders with a silver paint pen.


          Possible purchase alert....

          Buddy of mine found this, and is twisting my arm...I'm getting a promotion at work....hmmmmm. It sure would be nice to have something to ride, and not worry about what else needs to be done...


            That would be a cool second ride.


              That paint job looks great! That should look very unique. I like it! :-D
              85 GS1150E May '06 BOM
              79 GS1000S Wes Cooley Beast


                Originally posted by Mike_H View Post
                Ya, just got em today. Mine are definitely cast aluminum. I think they are probably clear coated, and they're from EMGO, so I was not surprised to see the quality (or lack thereof) of the polishing.
                I stripped mine with aircraft stripper... definately clear coat on them. I then rubbed one of them with Mother's and it really shined up nice. I will be polishing them with a wheel and then they should look great! Thanks again for the ebay link.
                85 GS1150E May '06 BOM
                79 GS1000S Wes Cooley Beast


                  Good to know, Bruce. I haven't touched mine yet. I finally got some warm weather, so I have been concentrating on getting the bike reassembled. Its back on its wheels, and I have rebuild the rear brakes (cleaned and painted) I'm going to concentrate on the rear end today, and maybe post some pictures. It looks nice, even with the nasty old front end I'm using...


                    Quick Update

                    I finally got some warm weather here in west MI, and I took full advantage of it. I cleaned and painted many bike parts this weekend. I also got the rearend mostly assembled, and the engine is pretty much ready to go back in. Frame needs a couple more mods...(too bad I have already painted it) to make the seat and fender work, but after screwing with it today, I know its going to. More progress Pics...

                    Overall Bike, nevermind the ratty front end.

                    Front Wheel, Freshly painted...Masking spokes SUX!

                    Right Rear of Bike...Note Shiny Rebuilt Caliper and I painted the rear wheel like the front, but its hard to see around the brake disc, and pumpkin.

                    Left Rear, with the painted instead of polished pumpkin

                    Supposed to be nice for the rest of the week too, so hopefully, I can get this project back under control...Later.


                      Lookin good. I like the fully painted swingarm/pumpkin.

                      I am also hoping to make the most of the weather here this week.


                        Dude thats looking sweet I am green with envy!


                          Since your bike has easy access can you tell me what size the studs are the shocks slide on to? I am looking at a nice set of shocks but it fits a 1/2" stud. Thanks


                            Progress and pictures, who could ask for anything more.

                            After the wiring harness, i was beginning to wonder.

                            And mort, speaking of e-bay there's a few 82/1100l's listed for cheap.
                            Kid wrecked his car yesterday and the wife says no, so .....

                            Hows that rusted heap of yours doing. Lookin at mikes sort of gives one a little hope.
                            Last edited by Guest; 03-12-2007, 06:52 AM.


                              Originally posted by mortation View Post
                              Since your bike has easy access can you tell me what size the studs are the shocks slide on to? I am looking at a nice set of shocks but it fits a 1/2" stud. Thanks

                              I'll check when I get home, but if memory serves me, the studs are 12 mm on my bike. This may or may not be the same for your however, being that mine is a 650 and your is an 850.


                                Originally posted by Bopi View Post
                                And mort, speaking of e-bay there's a few 82/1100l's listed for cheap.
                                Kid wrecked his car yesterday and the wife says no, so .....
                                They are on eBay? Hmmm I will check it out, thanks.

                                Originally posted by Bopi View Post
                                Hows that rusted heap of yours doing. Lookin at mikes sort of gives one a little hope.
                                Not to shabby Check it out: Still got a long way to go But I will have it fired up this week when I get some shims

