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750 cafe project
Well I just finished reading this thread. First off, wow man, your bike is beautiful. I've always kind of like cafes better never was up in arms about them. But your bike on the other hand has won me over. I really love the color scheme, I think the exicution is amazing. I love your first paint job too, but the scheme is cleaner and more raceish. I'm toying with the idea of modifing my bike, when i get it back from my mechanic friend, but I'm 100% sure of my path. Seeing your bike has, possible swung me into a cafe. So I end up in that path I thank you for it.
oh yeah, Gotta keep the woman around. Incidentally, that how I ended up with a Warrior. My wife decided that I wasn't going to ride once we have kids, (which I respect). I decided that I was gonna get another bike this year and she picked out a cruiser, so she could ride with meWorked out well, cept for the whole finishing the other project thing. Poor neglected Suzi, sitting all by herself in the garage. Get yourself a newer bike, sell the 500 and keep the 750...You'll be load happier in the end
Not my best mod
I lost my taillight. If anyone missed it, here is the thread about it:
Do you have a great road adventure that you would like to share? How about a bike repair gone bad? Put your story here and share it with the rest of us.
Anyway, while ordering a replacement light, I went a little order happy. I now have jets, pods and an o-ring kit on the way. I hope that everything will get here by the weekend, so that I can build it up.
I will keep you all posted.
The bike looks great. I lost my licence plate a few weeks back on my thumper, but was able to find it. Luckily a good samaritan hopped out of his truck at a stoplight and informed me that it fell off, and told me where to look. So I can relate, mostly.
On another note, can you tell me where I can get a "Support your local deadbeats" bumper sticker? I've been frantically trying to find one for days.Last edited by Guest; 07-24-2007, 12:13 PM.
The deadbeats are a local car type club that a buddy of mine belongs to. I mentioned somewhere on this forum about the "Broken Dream Cruise" that my pals and I grill at. The event is sponsored by them.
They are mostly tattoo artists, regular artists, musicians and hot rodders.
At the next event, I will see if they have any more stickers, and if so I will forward one along.
Originally posted by LeeGS550E View PostOn another note, can you tell me where I can get a "Support your local deadbeats" bumper sticker? I've been frantically trying to find one for days.
But, after you offered,
Originally posted by beergood View PostAt the next event, I will see if they have any more stickers, and if so I will forward one along.
I have some good news, and I have some bad news
Got the correct parts in today, and started to work on the carbs.
I noticed a while ago that I have a problem with the number 2 cylinder. It doesn't idle, but it seems to run fine at speed.
I replaced spark plugs, swapped plug cables, and did all sorts of mixture screw adjustery.
While cleaning the carbs today I took out the fuel mixture screw on the second carb, and noticed that it was missing it's tip. I found it firmly wedged in the jet. Bummer. I tried to poke it back out with a needle, but no dice. It's in there pretty good.
I'm kind of disheartened about that, but since it has been running with a sealed idle jet for a while (probably the whole time I've owned it) I decided that a little longer won't hurt anything. It's not like it's going to burn up the engine, because there is no combustion.
I put the rest of the new jets and o-rings on, and the new pods and took it for a spin. It pops a little at low rpms, but that disappears once it heats up. Maybe I will step down the pilot jet. Once everything is nice and warm it pulls pretty strongly through the whole curve (it pops every so often, but that is rare). But damn does it pull better at high revs. And the sound is a lot nicer.
So I will start watching the sale forum and ebay and such for a set of carbs.
Oh yeah, my speedo stopped working on the way home. Tomorrow I get my "new" taillight, and I am going to be doing some other body type things, so I will look at that. If it doesn't pan out I will just replace it with the tach that I have in the basement.
Pics tomorrow.
Alright, some pics and more mods:
First off: I broke my speedo cable. I would like to think it is because my bike is just too damn fast, but in reality it was probably just old. So after spending 30 minutes tearing the basement apart I remembered that my tach is behind the seat in my truck.
So that is the gauge that I am going with now. To be honest, I always kind of wanted to use the tach anyway. I might get a small digital bicycle speedo and mount it somewhere.
Also, with the new pods, I decided to lose the side covers. They always kind of cut into my thighs anyway. So I picked up some scrap steel from a client and fashioned some new covers. Ideally I will move battery and electronics into the tailpiece over the winter, then I think I will forgo side covers entirely.
Original Covers
New Covers in progress:
My faithful assistants, who have yet to be trained enough to get me even the simplest of tools, or even a beer out of the fridge.
I am doing all of the work on my roommate's new brick patio that we built in time for a Memorial Day BBQ. At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to work on it for fear of staining it. However, it was the only spot on the back yard that had any shade. And I did spend a whole day digging, grading and building it, so I figured I have a fair claim to it. Luckily no fluids were spilled.
The new panels are much more flush and considerably more 'sporty', at least in my opinion.
Here is a youtube video of me revving the engine. I still have some fine tuning to do, but you kind of get an idea of what the bike sounds like:
The list of projects is still large, but it is steadily getting smaller.
Tomorrow my replacement taillight arrives. I am a little annoyed that I bought it last Monday night and it won't get here till tomorrow. The ebay guy might have a good excuse, and I don't want to be a jerk about it, but a 9-10 day wait for something is getting a little bit long in this day and age.
Hey Dude,
I love the fact that you resurrected this thread. The bike looks as cool as ever and with faithful assistants like that you are truly blessed my friend.
Keep us posted, I enjoy reading your posts.
I absolutely love your bike and its inspiration for my current 550 cafe project
Hooray! Taillight finally came in. It is off an L model (I think) so the bracket wouldn't work with what I had. I was at the hardware store with the intention of buying some steel or something to fab a mount. Then I saw the joist brackets on the end of an aisle. I love when 'nature' provides what I need mostly ready made.
I torqued the living hell out of these bolts, used lock washers and locking nuts. This thing had better not be going anywhere.