I got some things done today... re-jetted and tuned the carbs so I thought I would take it out for a spin near to the beach....a short ride ....5 minutes away.... turned out to be over an hour trip! :-D
This little bike is a HOOT to ride!!!!!! I took it out to my local twistes next to my house and I was flicking this bike around like I was on the Tour De France on a bicycle!!! It was so manouverable and quick..I fell in love with it.. I definitely need to change the fork oil and stiffen up the front end...but it still handled smoothly!
Well...heres the funny part of the story... As I was comming back home and the unmentionable happened..... I GOT PULLED OVER BY THE Cops!
I had no plates on.....no turn signals.....no.....speedo....no brake light!! I was adding up the fines in my head as Mr. police man (Steve) was by his car calling something in. Luckily I had my drivers license and insurance card.
As he walked back over to me he started checking out my little cafe racer and was curious what it was.
After telling him that I build these and that it was a little Suzuki GS250 he about fell over and said that He didnt know that these 250's could go so quick!... My thoughts started spinning again and added speeding to my total. He said that he was following me through the canyon....little did I know because I HAD NO MIRRORS ON EITHER.....LOL... another addition to my ticket!
So after about 20 minutes of conversation...another patrol car pulls up and gets out of the car! I started sweating bullets.
To make my long story shorter...... Steve...the first cop....never called in to check out that everything was legit......He called his partner to come and check out my bike! I was laughing my @ss off.... they were so intrigued with a cafe style bike that he asked my for my # so that he can comission me to convert his Honda CBX 6 cyl classic!
He's swinging by on monday to let me check it out8-) ... So after the panic and tally of the fines that was going to cost me more than what I put into the bike....I ended up getting some business out of my stupidity of riding on a bike that wasnt street legal yet! Good thing I was wearing my helmet! LMAO!!