Not being able to find anyone who stocks reproductions for this bike, and being too lazy and cheap to have some custom made, here's what I'm going to try...
I scanned a portion of the red from the sidecover. I'm going to print it out on my inkjet printer, adjust the color, print, adjust, until it prints out just like the real thing (especially checking color match under various lighting). Then I'll get some peel-away sticky printer paper, print a whole solid page of that color, cut out the decal with x-acto knife, spray it with some stronger adhesive, stick it on, and clearcoat over the top. The decal is a fairly simple large diamond shape, basically, not a thin stripe or anything, so it should be pretty easy to duplicate.
Inkjet inks are pretty good these days with regard to fade resistance and such. I made some t-shirts with this printer that hardly faded at all after much time and washing. Plus it should be well protected under a coat of clear. And the peel-away sticker paper should be just the right thickness after peeling-away.
I guess I'll also have to sand off the old one. Gotta figure out how to do that without damaging the surrounding white pearl paint.