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Originally posted by Ironriot View PostYou got it buddy. You know we can't go longer than a few days without pictures on hereAnd by the way I like the signals. I'm not a fan the of the huge x large OE signals either. Oh and I almost forgot. I got the tank and frame painted today. The tank is gonna take a few more coats before I'm done. Unfortunately I'm noticing some flaws in the body work. Apparently being a good body man DOESN'T run in the family
And I'm really getting tired of the scoot being out of commision so I'm gonna leave it be and probably start slapping it back together this weekend. I think I also got some carbs coming. Wish me luck on that one. Overall things are looking up.
Hey of luck, if you run into any probs, let us know, and snap some pics of the progress. I have the Clymers if you don't so if you run into a snag, I can look it up.
CafeKid.....I was only goofin on ya.....of all the post I saw of yours, last night I JUST noticed your mis-spelling! To tell the truth, there are some HORRIBLE spellers out included! As I said, it takes me longer to correct my mistakes than to type the message.......damn FireFox!
House Update:
As of right now, looks that we'll be closing within the next week or 2....the house(ours) was appraised Tuesday, so....from what my agent is telling me it could go smoothly and quick.....trying to work out the finances of the house we like.....well, more like talking the seller down....I'm already pre-approved. I'll keep y'all posted as I find out....if anyone is interested, if not, I'll let ya's know when I'm going to be gone for a while due to moving.
Today, it was a great day to ride, but unfortunately I had to stay home and clean, and the carpet cleaners came to clean.....well.... the carpets!
Tomorrow, we may be going to look at more houses.....depends on if my lazy agent calls.... she was supposed to e-mail me some listings last night for me to go over today, and pick out the ones that interested us......still waiting on that to happen.......
She's on E-Bay
Well, HATED to do it, don't want, didn't want to, but, I need money for the closings, so had to put her up on is the listing #
230188399095Spread the word......she needs a good caring home