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Originally posted by TheCafeKid View Post
Yeah you better worry bout those float levels...thats an every carb thing. if they arent set right the valves wont shut when they are supposed to and you start flodding cylinders....or if they are set to low they shut off too soon and you starve...causing leanness and burnt valves...theyre easy to set, you just have to be particular with it. Go to autozone and get some digi dial calipers, use the depth gauge...the calipers i bought were like 25 bucks.
How do I actually go about adjusting them? There really isn't any type of screw or anything that I notice it can be adjusted with.
Use a set of calipers (you can get em at autozone for about 30 bucks) use the depth gauge that comes out of the'll have to find out what the floats are supposed to be set at...ask Nessim..hes the 550 guru...turn the carbs upside down and remove the float bowl and the gasket..if you're carefull you can reuse the gasket. Measure with the calipers from the float gasket seat to the top of your float. If its off you'll need to adjust...Example...mine are supposed to be set at 26mm ..if they were at 23mm i need to raise them 3mm...the lil metal tang that sits on the float needle valve is where you adjust, simply bend it untill its right...but remember its upside down. so bending it up is LOWERING your floats, and bending it down is raising them. Avoid bending the tangs the floats are attached to, as you'll get inacurate results. its pretty simple and small bend adjustments are all you need usually. Just be very mindfull they are set right..otherwise bad things will happen. And when you measure, make certain that you arent moving the floats with your calipers...or they'll be inacurate as well. You just want the caliper to barely touch it.
Ah thanks much for that. I'll have to pay attention to that tomorrow when I finish rebuilding the carbs. I just finished wet sanding and buffing the front fender. I must say it does look exceptional. Lol well for a rattle can paint job. I'll get a pic up in a moment
Im stickin with rattle can on my cafe...i thought about spending the money and makin it pretty, but 700 for a paint job is the exact opposite of race bike on a Plus...if i mess it up with gas (which hopefully Rustoleum will prevent that) its not like i cant sand it a bit and redo it yanno? And you can get rattle can to look really good if you take the steps like you have...wet sand the crap out of it, i go from 400 grit all the way to 2000 and its smoother than a baby's ass. I also found some rustoleum clear...we'll see how that works out... i dunno if its gonna go over well.
Originally posted by TheCafeKid View PostIm stickin with rattle can on my cafe...i thought about spending the money and makin it pretty, but 700 for a paint job is the exact opposite of race bike on a Plus...if i mess it up with gas (which hopefully Rustoleum will prevent that) its not like i cant sand it a bit and redo it yanno? And you can get rattle can to look really good if you take the steps like you have...wet sand the crap out of it, i go from 400 grit all the way to 2000 and its smoother than a baby's ass. I also found some rustoleum clear...we'll see how that works out... i dunno if its gonna go over well.
Oh almost forgot... so yeah today I decided to bleed the brakes that way I don't gotta worry about it last minute and well yeah to say the least that was a pain. First off the hose was severly clogged. Plus I overtightened the Banjo bolt so fluid wasn't getting through. Well after I remedied those problems I moved onto the the actual bleeding. At first I was met with an insanely stiff pedal, but it felt like it was giving in. BTW i had clear plastic hose on the bleeder so fluid wouldn't get all over the paint. After a few good pumps I saw what was clogging those lines so bad. Just about the worst case of rust inside a line I had ever seen. It was absolutley disgusting to see what came out of there. I ran an entire bottle through the line to get all that junk out..... Peace of mind. Plus now the rear wheel isn't all binded up like it used to be. It spins freely and the caliper doesn't stick
i still had that problem...ended up tossing the caliper and scavenging the one of the 80...its the same and its in better shape. I rebuilt my master cylinder, so that should be ok...i just hope the iner liner on the brake line hasnt collapsed. I wonder if ive been over tightening my banjo?? I havent slapped that one on it yet so i dunno if thats gonna fix the prob...if its still the MC i have a backup...and yeah mine was ALL full of crap, never seen brake fluid that bad. I bought a GIANT bottle for this next attempt, cos i went thru two little ones last time. Son of a b!tch almost caught fire on me riding to work one day. We'll see what happens. Im pretty sure i have my carb situation sorted out, finally...just got to get them synched...i wish i had my own manometer. I need to buy one, but there are so many other things i have to buy this paycheque i couldnt afford it. Next up on the list tho, besides that, are my seat, Dyna S, (bye bye PITA points) and i gotta do something about turn signals...I use my hand signals but no one seems to remember wtf they
Oh i was gonna say too..i was scared to death of the wiring that im about to have to do...i got some OEM switches to wire in, plus the lights for the gauges. But my Clymer has a great wiring diagram in it, and i could even cross reference the 80 switches vs my 77 wiring set up..they are pretty muchthe same, same colour wires and all so it should be easy.
Sh7t i gotta hit the rack bro i gotta be up in 4 hours and have to work 18 hours tomorrow...JOY...OSU vs Mich...GO BUCKS!! O H! I O!
Peace and grease and good luck tomorrow!
Originally posted by TheCafeKid View PostI use my hand signals but no one seems to remember wtf they I'll be riding without turn signals for the time being until I find ones that don't look like ass... Well brotherman I'm calling it a night. Today was entirely TOO LONG. I'll catch you tomorrow
Just checking in to see what you guys are up to IronRiot you could mount it to your swingarm if that is the only place it is attached, But with that style I would say try and mount it to the frame like it was on a harley. TKC I'm going to have to come over and see how your tank is coming along. Seeing how you can't put any pics on here. What you need to do is go get a cable for your camara you should be able to find one at bestbuy or radioshack.
Dood.... i want to cut my legs
Ended up being MORE than 18 we were busy all day and night..and the best part is