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    That light looks freakin SICK in there...evil lookin...i like it!


      I'm not sure how much extra room there is. When I realized that the wiring was the problem I just pulled it all out.

      Hey I was looking at those rotors I got from you and was wondering didn't you say that somebody was already wanting the calipers off that 80.


        Havent heard from them so if you need them, have at it. Hell you may be able to swap the whole fork over, just have to get the races for the bearings. I still have the races in this frame but they'll be ruined taking them out. Since your axle mounts the same way, the rake and trail wont change. But you'll need the top tree clamp i have too.


          I was just sort of messing around tonight and found out that those brakes would bolt right up to my forks.


            if they are in better shape have at it bro. Lord knows you've given up enough of your time helping me out. Is that bucket you have chromed or painted??


              The bucket I have is chromed but its definitly need a good cleaning. I'm going to hit the sack. I'll talk to you later.


                It will be painted, so no biggie there...have a good night bro, and have a good one at work. Hit me up tomorrow if ya want..ive been polishing...MWAHAHAHAHAHA !


         since i havent posted anything of use up here in a's an update.

                  n1elkyfan and i got the frame drilled and the alu swinger mounted...

                  Which i promptly pulled off today...and after hemming and hawing on whether i liked the colour or not...did this...


                    Nother pic...its darker than it looks...damn flash makes it look pure gold but its got a more brown tint to it..


                      DOOD...... LOL that's alot of sparkle. I'm sure it looks kickass without all the flash. I see you got the alum swingarm on there. Very nice!


                        Huh...that pic showed me a spot i missed...BTW painting one of these frames is tougher than it looks. I suppose i should have hung it...but i did it in the manhole.... Fumigated the house too...GOOD TIMES


                          Originally posted by TheCafeKid View Post
                          Huh...that pic showed me a spot i missed...BTW painting one of these frames is tougher than it looks. I suppose i should have hung it...but i did it in the manhole.... Fumigated the house too...GOOD TIMES
                          Yeah it is. Too many nooks and crannies. No matter how thourough I thought I was I keep finding spots that I missed with the black.... One thing I did love about Rustoleum is that the smell isn't as bad as with other spray paints. Although I'm sure I still killed a few brain cells when I rattle bombed by frame and tins.... AND that's cuz I was OUTSIDE. I feel bad for you and anyone you might live with lol


                            Bah screw em! This WILL be done for spring PERIOD...i dont care if i kill everyone else doing it! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA


                              YES!! I just scored off flea bay...Picked up this H2 style seat for about 1/3 what i would have paid for it from AirTech. It needs sanded and finished, but i dont have a problem doing that to save 100 bucks!


                                Nice score on that tail piece.

                                Frame looks cool in gold.

