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Cafe seat build...

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    Originally posted by TheCafeKid View Post
    I had thought maybe to use some with wingnuts on them to make it pretty quick to get the pan off should i need to get to the battery or what not.
    If you put the battery in the tail, you won't have to remove it for the battery, but I can't say where to put your What Not.. Maybe you stick it in your arse :shock:... errr, I mean in your tail piece along with the battery? :-D LMAO


      Originally posted by dardoonk View Post
      If you put the battery in the tail, you won't have to remove it for the battery, but I can't say where to put your What Not.. Maybe you stick it in your arse :shock:... errr, I mean in your tail piece along with the battery? :-D LMAO
      Wont need to get the pan off, but ill need to get the tail section off. As far as my whatnot, I'll stick it wherever i please thank you, and kindly stay out of my personal life


        Any updates? Final products? New pictures? Something? Lol.


          Yep! I want to see the finished product! and then order one for myself


            Sorry guys, got real busy at work and havent had a day off in a while, so havent had time to really mess with it. However, i have the next two days off, and N1elkyfan is coming by apparently tomorrow to lend his body work specialty hands to help me out. Will have pics and a full update of progress tomorrow!!


              OK UPDATE TIME! woohoo!

              Its been a bit since ive really accomplished anything on this bike, so its kinda sweet to actually post something other than incessent BS that i normally post.

              We got the excess 'glass trimmed down..
              SO n1elkyfan lent his hand with the bondo. Still rough, but getting there..

              another shot..

              and another...

              Here's the tail-lamp, license bracket im going with..think it will look pretty sweet. Thanks to Kurt (Dardoonk) for pointing this one out to me. Works pretty good with the overall scheme i think...


                Looking at that tail light right now I wonder how it would look if you blacked out that back part and left only the two spots sticking out red.


                  Hrmm..i kinda like that too...Only problem, how black would i have to get it for it NOT to show up when its lit?


                    might be a little harder but put the light inside of the tail and only cut out the holes for the two parts of the light. blend it in with bondo. you can sand over it to make it show


                      No way to mount it that way, thought of that idea, frenching it in, but its not flat enough unfortunately. Good thought tho.


                        I agree with blacking out the back portion of the light. I think if you scuff, prime and paint it you wont get any light bleeding through. You could also apply a layer to the inside.

                        Tail section looks good. Your pics are giving me deja vu.


                          Hrmm. I like the idea. I think. I'll give it a shot i suppose. If it doesnt work, the tail light was cheap enough.


                            they make a tinted paint for lights, i think its called night shades or light shades or something shades. comes in a spray can. if this isnt what you meant i'll shut up now.


                              Too cool man. I was about to suggest frenching it also right until I read that you had thought about it.


                                Nice seat! Your glassing looks much better than my first attempt!!! Keep us up with updated pics of the bike, I want to see how the frame looks with the bike assembled!

                                That taillight looks nice, I've had two or three so far. Let me go ahead and warn you, though: After some time goes by...if you are out and you blow the main fuse randomly, first check to see if it's the taillight shorting out. I can explain the details if you want, but that's a problem I've had with all of mine.

