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Before / After 1980 GS850G

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    Before / After 1980 GS850G

    Thanks to everyone who has offered up advice to my questions. I finally have my bike to where I want it for now. I don't plan on doing much more to it aside from ride it all summer then maybe sell it to trade up. This has been a project on a shoestring budget that has come together quite nicely. This is my first motorcycle and I've learned a lot thus far.
    I got the bike from a friend for $150 + a used laptop (worth ~$250).
    The handlebars were given to me from another friend (stock bars from '06 Vstrom).
    $15 (after shipping) for the Superbike grips.
    $20 for the headlight assembly and 4 turn signals from a local guy known to the friend who gave met the handlebars.
    So it's basically been a conspiracy of friends of friends and a helpful riding community that has gotten me going. Much appreciated.


    Last edited by Guest; 03-12-2008, 10:14 AM.

    Before After

    Looking good, stay with it. You will like your 850 the are great bikes.
    80 GS850GT " Are we having fun yet! "


      What did you do with your windjammer and luggage trunk? I'm kinda looking for a windjammer as well as a trunk and sissy bar for my project 550. In my case, the before and after pics would be switched compared to yours.


        When and if you decide to sell, if the price isnt way up there, lemme know. Im in the market for an 850 or bigger for long haul rides.


          Originally posted by Fishman View Post
          What did you do with your windjammer and luggage trunk? I'm kinda looking for a windjammer as well as a trunk and sissy bar for my project 550. In my case, the before and after pics would be switched compared to yours.
          I am willing to sell the Windjammer for a fair price. Are you in Ohio? Shipping would be painful for that thing...
          The trunk bag and rack I'm holding on to for now as Im' planning some camping trips out of state this summer.
          Originally posted by TheCafeKid
          When and if you decide to sell, if the price isnt way up there, lemme know. Im in the market for an 850 or bigger for long haul rides.
          Thanks I will keep you in mind. My goal is to ride this bike for about a year while I save up for a new bike. The time frame will be mostly dependant on how well my side business takes off. And of course how motivated I am in advertising it... I only want to get a few thousand together and get a 2008 Ninja 250. I could possibly be swayed towards a dual sport by the time I have the money but I don't yet know of a dualsport that comes as cheap as a Ninja.
          Last edited by Guest; 02-11-2008, 10:52 AM.


            I'm in Texas. I don't really know about shipping for the Windjammer. Anybody shipped one before? $50 for shipping wouldn't be bad, as long as the price was right and it was in good shape. From the pic, it looks really nice. I also don't know if the mounting hardware for your 850 would work on my 550.

            Anyway, I guess I'm hijacking your thread a bit. Your ride looks nice and warm weather is just around the corner in your neck of the woods.


              Originally posted by Fishman View Post
              I'm in Texas. I don't really know about shipping for the Windjammer. Anybody shipped one before? $50 for shipping wouldn't be bad, as long as the price was right and it was in good shape. From the pic, it looks really nice. I also don't know if the mounting hardware for your 850 would work on my 550.

              Anyway, I guess I'm hijacking your thread a bit. Your ride looks nice and warm weather is just around the corner in your neck of the woods.
              Bah, hijacking is a forum word for people who don't like to share their threads... you know, the ones who wouldn't share their GI Joes when they were 6.

              $50 might ship it. I once shipped a huge vacuum cleaner for about that. I was just out there working on it and I'm thinking I probly don't need to keep the rack or trunk. I don't carry passengers so I'm sure I can lash my sleeping back to the back seat.
              Windjammer, rack, trunk and all the mounting hardware / wiring harness that was with 'em... How's $125 plus shipping sound? I think the Windjammer alone would run about $100 at a salvage shop but I don't need to make a fortune. If you're interested PM me and I'll go into more detail on condition and can even shoot some additional pics to email to you. I'll get a shipping estimate from UPS and run it by you before closing the deal.


                Cool! Sent you a pm.


                  Sparkster, the bike looks fantastic. what is funny about it except for the headlight that is the same thing i'm in the middle of doing with my 83 gs850g. if i could ask you one question. when you took off the windjammer did you have a bag of wire under it? if so what did you do with it?

                  the bike looks great and have fun ridding it over the summer!



                    Originally posted by SDK View Post
                    Sparkster, the bike looks fantastic. what is funny about it except for the headlight that is the same thing i'm in the middle of doing with my 83 gs850g. if i could ask you one question. when you took off the windjammer did you have a bag of wire under it? if so what did you do with it?

                    the bike looks great and have fun ridding it over the summer!


                    Yes, the bag was there protecting the bundle-o-wiring. It was removed and is hanging out with the fairing up in the rafters waiting for me to pull it back down and photograph it for someone who wants to buy it. (I really need to get motivated in that direction...)
                    The remaining wires that weren't to be removed have been tucked into the headlight housing.
                    I have completed more work on the bike and now I just need to do a paint job.

                    One of my side coveres was missing, the other broke so I fabricated my own from plexi and angle iron:
                    Last edited by Guest; 02-20-2008, 11:40 AM.


                      Bike is looking good. Sorry to keep bothering you i haven't got in tothem completely but do they just unplug and the budle come off?

                      Thanks for the previose information



                        Originally posted by SDK View Post
                        Bike is looking good. Sorry to keep bothering you i haven't got in tothem completely but do they just unplug and the budle come off?

                        Thanks for the previose information

                        Hmm... I think there were several male/female plugs that terminated to a harness. The harness then plugged into the fairing. You just pull the plugs apart and the plug in your headlight and turn signals.


                          Originally posted by Sparkster View Post
                          Hmm... I think there were several male/female plugs that terminated to a harness. The harness then plugged into the fairing. You just pull the plugs apart and the plug in your headlight and turn signals.
                          That sounds correct. It should just be an extension of the original harness. Like an electrical extension cord, male at one end and female at the other.


                            I got a set of headlight ears off my GS1000. It'd HAVE to look better than that angle iron.


                              Originally posted by Billyboy View Post
                              I got a set of headlight ears off my GS1000. It'd HAVE to look better than that angle iron.
                              Bah! I think it looks cool. You'll understand why when I get the final paint job done :-\"8)

