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stupid grip removal question

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    stupid grip removal question

    hi guys,

    i am considering replacing my grips. i have these (to me) ugly "chrome billet foam" grips....cruiserey looking things, and they are too fat for my poor lil' hands. here is the question: how do i take them off? the foam i could cut off easily enough, but what about the "chrome" bit to the inside of the bar? is there a set screw under there or something? like i said, stupid boring question. thanks for your attention, though!

    1983 GS 1100 ESD :D

    Hard to tell without a pic of your particular grip, but try spraying hairspray under the inboard edge, and twisting it loose so you can spray a little more hairspray, a little more twisting, soon it will be off. Unless there is some screw or something in there

    Life is too short to ride an L.


      yeah, i know, pics, that's all you guys ever want ....the dial up is killin' me.
      1983 GS 1100 ESD :D


        Mine went on with just friction and maybe a little silicone adhesive. No set screws.

        I'm also thinking about getting rid of the foam, and for the same reason. The little plastic chromed eagles on the end of the grip just don't get it for me.

        What are you thinking of switching to? I'm interested in distance riding, so I don't know if I should stay with foam grips (less ugly) or not.
        O LORD, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you! - David

        Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense. - Carl Sagan

        '80 GS850 GLT
        '80 GS1000 GT
        '01 ZRX1200R

        How to get a "What's New" feed without the Vortex, and without permanently quitting the Vortex


          well, something simple. i dont do a whole lot of distance riding (yet), i was thinking of those sticky oury (?) grips, like bmx grips. the suzi was pretty smooth, and should be smoother after the valve/carb work i am doing, and my bars have a bit of rise, so im not putting weight on the hands much at all, so i really dont think vibration will be an issue.
          1983 GS 1100 ESD :D


            I forgot to mention, I didn't see any damage from the utility knife that cut the old grips off (before the foamies). The point is usually broken off of a utility knife blade, so that's usually dull, and chrome is harder than the blade anyhow.
            O LORD, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you! - David

            Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense. - Carl Sagan

            '80 GS850 GLT
            '80 GS1000 GT
            '01 ZRX1200R

            How to get a "What's New" feed without the Vortex, and without permanently quitting the Vortex


              I had the same grips and you're right they are ugly. The end cap screws off, it has a rubber expander in it. After that's off, the grip *should* twist off fairly easily


                Greg, I have a set of the Oury's and like them. They are sticky and the little square pads are supposed to dampen the vibration. I also have a set of the Randakks and they are also very good. Both are more of a thinner overall grip type and are very comfortable for high mileage days. I would buy both of these brands again. They are also sized correctly for the 140 mm throttle tube size. I have only had the Randakks for about 800 miles or so but might like them slighty better than the Ourys.

                82 GS850L - The Original
                81 GS1000L - Brown County Hooligan
                83 GS1100L - Super Slab Machine
                06 KLR650 - "The Clown Bike" :eek:
                AKA "Mr Awesome" ;)


                  I install mine dry with a shot of compressed air. Be sure to wear a glove on the hand you use to hold the end of the grip (and cup the air supply) with.
                  Dee Durant '83 750es (Overly molested...) '88 gl1500 (Yep, a wing...)


                    two words rubber mallet!!!!!


                      middleville? i looked on the map, near grand rapids. about an hour from me, in lansing!


                        I put chrome-capped foam fatty grips on my KZ440 - they just slide on like any other grip.

                        The easy way to get them off would be to cut around the foam just behind the chrome ring near your controls, then cut the foam latterally to the end - the grip will just peel off, then you can twist/wiggle the chrome ring off - there should be no set screws involved.

                        FTR, NEVER use grip glue unless you're building a track bike - it's not worth the cleanup when you go to change grips. Use a bit of hairspray or (dish)soapy water as lubricant when you install the new grips, and allow them to dry overnight - the dried residue is plenty sticky to hold your grips in place, without requiring a utility knife the next time you want to get them off.

                        I've had good luck using WD40 to remove grips I want to reuse, as well - force the "straw" inside the grip as far as you can and spritz a bit of WD under the grip as you work the tube around - after a few seconds, you should be able to twist the grips off - wash them (and your handlebar!) in plenty of warm, soapy water to clean the WD residue off before you reinstall.




                          wow, thanks for all the responses, guys. maybe i will tear into those babies this afternoon, waiting for some more shims anyway.

                          as for the west michigan/lansing link, hey! whats up? we should put together a west michigan ride. once my bike is not in pieces again. oh, speaking of west michigan, any west mi guys have carb synch expertise/tools? cause thats happening soon. hopefully.
                          1983 GS 1100 ESD :D


                            I have used Pro-Grips for the last several bikes and like them a lot. They are gummy and soak up vibration and last very well as a bonus. Just in case you were looking for more choices...


