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Post a picture of your custom GS

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    I reckon it's about time I put something in this thread...

    1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
    1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


    450 Refresh thread:

    Katana 7/11 thread:


      Here is an updated pic


        Look'n good!

        Paint the rims and add some gators to the forks and she'll be all black'd out!

        Can you give me some info on that windshield? I'm looking for a small one for my 450...


          Originally posted by smarzinski View Post
          Together and the way is gonna stay for this season, plenty of other things to do to it. Wheels to make, get rid of the blue pegs, usd forks, paint, the list goes on, and on.....Below the pic is a link for a vid of the bike running. Its a phone video so quality isnt the best...


          Looking good, Gotta take some new pic's of my pile. Put a koso guage set on it to have a working tach, jury is out on if i like it yet.
          Dee Durant '83 750es (Overly molested...) '88 gl1500 (Yep, a wing...)


            Originally posted by smarzinski View Post
            Together and the way is gonna stay for this season, plenty of other things to do to it. Wheels to make, get rid of the blue pegs, usd forks, paint, the list goes on, and on.....Below the pic is a link for a vid of the bike running. Its a phone video so quality isnt the best...


            What's the translation on the tank.....Suzuki = スズキ


              Hitman, what flyscreen is that? Got more pics?


                a lot of beautiful custom bikes in this thread. awsome guys.

                does anyone have any good pics of their controls and bars. i am goin crazy to either upgrade to newer year controls or repaint fix up mine. i am just curious what everyone here has done. and post some pics! cuz there is never a pic of the bars included!


                  Originally posted by CocoTiTs View Post
                  a lot of beautiful custom bikes in this thread. awsome guys.

                  does anyone have any good pics of their controls and bars. i am goin crazy to either upgrade to newer year controls or repaint fix up mine. i am just curious what everyone here has done. and post some pics! cuz there is never a pic of the bars included!
                  I notice you have a 78 1000, I'm not a big fan of those controls either, I like the slightly newer 82 and up, I have your gauges with some flatter bars, the 82 L controls and more modern mirrors.


                    My 1983 GS1100L

                    @ 22,000 miles!


                      Originally posted by bill671mac View Post
                      @ 22,000 miles!
                      I am soon to get rid Of My bgs and make this a bobber soon. But for now I enjoy the bags on long trips.


                        Im tring to delete this post but it wont let me LOL.


                          Originally posted by bill671mac View Post
                          Im tring to delete this post but it wont let me LOL.
                          When you click on edit, there will be a box that needs checked before you can delete it.


                            Originally posted by bill671mac View Post
                            I am soon to get rid Of My bgs and make this a bobber soon. But for now I enjoy the bags on long trips.
                            I actually like the looks of those bags, and if you bobber your bike, you might not want to hardtail it, unless you've rode a lot of hardtails and don't mind the lack of suspension, otherwise you might regret it. Good luck with your build.


                              Thanks Man. I put alot of work into this bike. Bought it last year from a old farmer that just keeped it in his barn for years. I had to do alot including a paint job, carb rebuild and all. Had to weld a plate for the new saddle bags I bought to the frame. the bags are Just throw overs But I mad it work. This bike run so smooth in the end. problem now is I bought mac pipes (4-into 1) and having problems installing. But will figure it out


                                Originally posted by old_skool View Post
                                I notice you have a 78 1000, I'm not a big fan of those controls either, I like the slightly newer 82 and up, I have your gauges with some flatter bars, the 82 L controls and more modern mirrors.

                                wow thanks! i will start searchin for some of those, as they are close enough they may just plug right in. and i need a new throttle as mine is missing the second cable, so i got one and opened it up and saw that it doesnt seem that i can hook the second pull back up correctly it may be broken, and my clutch perch has a stripped mounting hole and i dont feel like drilling out and installing a longer bolt with nut. rather have a nice one. and ty for the picture i have been going through this thread for hours ...

